Jiuniu Wang
Jiuniu Wang
Maybe the version of torchvision should be updated.
I meet the same problem when I try to use tensorflow==1.3.0. The problem is saved when I change it to the version guided. Good luck!
We currently only support generating a 16 frames video. Generating longer videos could be another task, and it will be supported soon.
This demo requires about 16GB CPU RAM and 16GB GPU RAM. @mic2112
See [this page](https://github.com/modelscope/modelscope/blob/master/modelscope/models/multi_modal/video_synthesis/diffusion.py) We have fixed this bug by adding "tensor = tensor.to(x.device)", so the "return tensor[t].view(shape).to(x)" is Line 15 now. @ThatCoffeeGuy
You can try to use Colab like [this page](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1uW1ZqswkQ9Z9bp5Nbo5z59cAn7I0hE6R?usp=sharing). @mic2112
The UNet module needs about 16GB GPU memory. So it will be quite complex to run on 12GB GPU. Maybe model parallel would work.
Hello, I met the same problem because I tried to use stable diffusion v2.1 checkpoint. I solved this problem by using stable diffusion v1.5 as guided in the code. Good...