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my2fback 是基于Golang开发的快速解析与闪回MySQL/MariaDB binlog 工具, 也支持解析relaylog

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您好: 当进行binlog解析的时候报错,请问怎么解决: level=error errcode=2 errmsg="error to parse sql: XA START X'3137322e31362e352e38362e746d31323935343030303236',X'3137322e31362e352e38362e746d373938323234',1096044365: line 1 column 2 near \"XA START X'3137322e31362e352e38362e746d31323935343030303236',X'3137322e31362e352e38362e746d373938323234',1096044365\" " error to parse sql from query event, binlog=(binlog_mysqlbin.001914, 180214904), time=2022-02-17_17:06:10,... ``` Table Last Time Insert(s) Update(s) Delete(s) moshan.flush_ 190311 9:28:54 0 3475 0 ultrax.dis_common_syscache 190312 11:31:53 0 231 0 ultrax.dis_common_cron 190312 11:31:53 0 194 0 ultrax.dis_common_session 190312 10:38:56 6...

``` binlog starttime stoptime startpos stoppos inserts updates deletes database table 0242123310-mysql-bin.000002 2019-03-04_18:47:46 2019-03-04_18:47:46 3098 3272 2 0 0 test t11 0242123310-mysql-bin.000002 2019-05-06_18:32:38 2019-05-06_18:32:38 17293 308784 1 0 0 mgr_zyx_2...

``` time="2019-07-19_18:11:13" level=error errcode=2 errmsg="error to parse sql: ALTER TABLE homestay_order DISCARD TABLESPACE: line 1 column 34 near \"DISCARD TABLESPACE\" " error to parse sql from query event, binlog=(0242123310-mysql-bin.000002, 15133259),...