> You can filter your enumeration output by properties (see `casm query --help properties` and `casm query --help operators`). In this case, you can use `comp_n`, which is the number...
Yah sure. Here is my prim, [prim.json](https://github.com/prisms-center/CASMcode/files/14069498/prim.json) I also wrote, `"filter": "and(eq(comp_n(A), 1), eq(comp_n(B), 3), eq(comp_n(C), 6))"`, but faced same issue.
> You need to create and select a composition axis with `casm composition --calc` and `casm composition --select`. > > As you mentioned, it is pretty slow to enumerate all...
Then I enumerated by clusters for this settings files, [settings2.json](https://github.com/prisms-center/CASMcode/files/14072137/settings2.json), here I have taken `/1071` because this configuration (which I got when I enumerated this file [settings1.json](https://github.com/prisms-center/CASMcode/files/14072195/settings1.json) contains `A =...
Thank you xivh. Now I totally understood the role of composition axis. Yes firstly I got one configuration of `A =8, B = 24 C = 48` 80 atoms from...
> The composition axes that you set with `casm composition` are the parametric composition axes. The `comp(a)` and `comp(b)` are not the A and B atoms, they are just indices...
> The sublats tag restricts the enumeration to some sites and leaves the rest fixed. I just wanted to show that by enumerating only on those sites you already have...
> You have to run the DFT calculations first. You can use `casm-calc --setup` to write all the input files. This error is showing, Traceback (most recent call last): File...
I got 450 configurations of 80 atoms (A = 8, B = 24, C= 48), are you saying me to run DFT calculation of these 450 configurations outside of CASM??...
> In this POSCAR ,[POSCAR.zip](https://github.com/prisms-center/CASMcode/files/14144242/POSCAR.zip) symmetry is changing or lattice vector is changing while creating `prim.json` or following `prim.niggli.json` by , `ccasm init --prim POSCAR --write-prim`. That's why I am...