Results 27 comments of JL

For anyone stopping by, making your own class works just fine. `\app\Patches\AuthorizeTransactionListForCustomerController.php` ```php

Can you link me a few files to test against?

So this is challenging and I'm not sure what approach to take. For the PsiElements API to work, the IDE would need to support ruby in order to crawl and...

I think so, ill download & play with rubymine and see how far I get with this when I have time.

This has been pushed to Jetbrains

Any risk in using systemd to do this since its already on-rack? Currently playing with these configurations to hit a sweet spot: `/.platform/files/app.service` ``` [Unit] Description=Queue Worker After=network.target [Service] User=webapp...

I last checked this in March to see if we could upgrade, it's now August with zero news. I'm not sure what the companies priorities are right now but it...