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Headlines on the side on WasabiDocs

Open Zolgarr opened this issue 4 years ago • 5 comments

When I was reading through WasabiDocs at the Why Wasabi main heading it was a bit frustrating for me that on the left side when I clicked on CoinJoin Legal Concern the list was really long and at first I couldn't decide which ones still belong to the CoinJoin Legal Concern and which ones belong to the next heading. Also, there's no difference in the font of the subheadings and the headings, only the main headings are bold.

My suggestion would be that the main headings (Why Wasabi, Privacy in Bitcoin etc.) could be bigger and/or with another color), the headings (Why Privacy is Important, CoinJoin Legal Concern, etc) could be bold and when you click on one the list comes down, and when you click on that again it goes back. To make it even more clear (but I'd say after the latter is done this is optional): the subheadings (Overview, CoinJoin Transactions, etc) could be a bit farther away to the right from the headings so that it's more distinguishable.

Zolgarr avatar Apr 27 '20 21:04 Zolgarr

Also, there's no difference in the font of the subheadings and the headings, only the main headings are bold.

My suggestion would be that the main headings (Why Wasabi, Privacy in Bitcoin etc.) could be bigger and/or with another color), the headings (Why Privacy is Important, CoinJoin Legal Concern, etc) could be bold

They are already as you suggested:

Capture Capture1

and when you click on one the list comes down, and when you click on that again it goes back.


yahiheb avatar Apr 27 '20 22:04 yahiheb

In my opinion, they are not. You might say that because that's sufficient for you because you're more experienced. But as I was seeing it with kind of a new user's perspective, it's not distinguishable enough. The headings are not bold, they have the same font as the subheadings. And the subheadings should be several spaces to the right in my opinion. Also, if you click on the heading then the list appears below, but if you click on it again it doesn't go back to showing only the headings which is important. I'm still saying it should be more clear, repeating what I wrote above:

My suggestion would be that the main headings (Why Wasabi, Privacy in Bitcoin etc.) could be bigger and/or with another color), the headings (Why Privacy is Important, CoinJoin Legal Concern, etc) could be bold and when you click on one the list comes down, and when you click on that again it goes back. To make it even more clear (but I'd say after the latter is done this is optional): the subheadings (Overview, CoinJoin Transactions, etc) could be a bit farther away to the right from the headings so that it's more distinguishable.

Zolgarr avatar Apr 27 '20 23:04 Zolgarr

Any other comments?

Zolgarr avatar May 12 '20 09:05 Zolgarr

Someone had a suggestion to keep the main chapter title on the left, and have the sub-chapter headers on the right.

I would concept ACK this, but have no clue how to implement it.

MaxHillebrand avatar May 12 '20 10:05 MaxHillebrand

Isn't the option easier what I recommended? Just changing the font would be a huge improvement in my opinion.

Zolgarr avatar Jun 11 '20 11:06 Zolgarr

@CAnorbo what do you think? Any room for improvement?

MarnixCroes avatar Sep 09 '23 10:09 MarnixCroes

@CAnorbo what do you think? Any room for improvement?

Is it still an issue? Since we updated the docs a year ago I think it fixed this one.

CAnorbo avatar Sep 11 '23 11:09 CAnorbo

@CAnorbo what do you think? Any room for improvement?

Is it still an issue? Since we updated the docs a year ago I think it fixed this one.

the layout is still the same, right

MarnixCroes avatar Sep 12 '23 06:09 MarnixCroes

@CAnorbo if you don't see an obvious improvement, let's close it

MarnixCroes avatar Sep 12 '23 06:09 MarnixCroes