Francesco Valla
Francesco Valla
Hi Marius, I know that the project is still undocumented, but things stacked up a bit in the last two years :) Have you run the setup.php script?
Imagick conversion is probably the weakest point of the whole project (because poorely written by me) . I can't reproduce your error, but I'll rewrtite the entire script soon. Thanks!
Please note that the MR is marked as draft because it is still, in fact, a draft: some of the logic for a proper double buffering is still lacking. Moreover,...
Added carry-over of previous buffer damages, proper double-buffering logic should be in place now.
Hi @gorogoro2 , how are you calling the wayland cycle function? I.e, are you using or not the _lv_wayland_timer_handler_ function? If yes, have you set up the poll functionality to...
Hi, please consider that the Wayland input events are received as part of the `lv_wayland_timer_handler()` function; if this is not called at the right moment, some events might get lost....
Hi @gorogoro2, I don't think it's related, as the input events are processed regardless of the status of the input events. Here is an example `main.c`, please check if anything...
Hi, I'm trying to fit some work on this feature on my schedule, but right now I cannot take a commitment. I took a look at the v9 status and...
The existing Wayland support shall be adapted to v9, doing the required API conversion and in the mean time aligning to the changes that can lead to performance improvement. As...
Hi @HR1025 , thank you for the analysis. If I understand well, in the CPU renderer case the release events are not sent by weston because we keep updating the...