Waffle Maybe

Results 54 issues of Waffle Maybe

Current behaviour: ![user: /unsubscribe akakjaka bot: You've successfully unsubscribed for updates on akakjaka crate. Use /subscribe to subscribe back. user: /subscribe akakjaka bot: Error: there is no such crate akakjaka.](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38225716/127658348-6649d3f5-e12a-4736-b41d-8b54c6a88bcf.png)


When a user uses `/(un)subscribe serde` the bot should respond with a clickable command to (un)subscribe back to _serde_. This could be done either by a command like `/(un)subcribe_serde` (then...


Even simple non-typelevel usage of Pow trait leads to a very huge compiler error: Example code: ```rust use typenum::{P1, Pow}; fn doesnt_compile_with_huge_error() { P1::new().powi(P1::new()); } ``` This gives `344K` error...


Reproducer: ```rust use std::iter; use charming::{component::Axis, element::AxisType, series::Scatter, Chart, ImageRenderer}; fn main() { let c = Chart::new() .x_axis(Axis::new().type_(AxisType::Value)) .y_axis(Axis::new().type_(AxisType::Value)) .series( Scatter::new().data( (0..=100) .flat_map(|x| iter::zip(iter::repeat(x), 0..=100)) .map(|(x, y)| vec![x, y]) .collect(),...