blocked on #1023
Did you check if you can still get ` MessageCantBeDeleted`?
@stillbeingnick your assumption is correct, I just want to make sure that the other (old) error actually exists, that Telegram can return it.
Ooops, sorry, I forgot to reply here. @stillbeingnick IMO we should keep the same variant name and only fix the matching logic, the error message changed but the meaning stayed...
(@stillbeingnick this is marked as https://github.com/teloxide/teloxide/labels/S-waiting-on-author, please use `@teloxidebot review` once this is ready for review) ([learn more about teloxidebot commands](https://forge.rust-lang.org/triagebot/index.html))
r? Hirrolot
Life would be so much easier if telegram provided decent docs 😞 I agree, `from`, `sender_chat`, and `is_topic_message` should be moved to `Message` type. I think we may learn from...
@tar-xzf how else do you fix this, without breaking changes?) besides, we already have a few breaking changes in the master branch. In other words yes, we are okay with...
@teloxidebot author
ping @tar-xzf, this is still waiting on you