@epellegrom You can change the version of the OnlineManagementAPI to the latest version in the tool installer task and see if it will work?
@bpevans I am aware of these changes. Have you tried using the latest version of the OnlineManagement API in the tool installer task? This should still work while we change...
@Hebbink i've taken the name and description from here. Unfortunately it don't mention plug-ins https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.crm.sdk.messages.importsolutionrequest.publishworkflows?view=dynamics-general-ce-9#Microsoft_Crm_Sdk_Messages_ImportSolutionRequest_PublishWorkflows
@Prajgulhane is this still an issue?
@Bogdan-Pushtiu the Extract is not designed to store the files in source control as consumers will be using different repo types etc... All it does is place the files locally...
@cseymr yes calling the powershell directly, the task is just a wrapper. Did you try to raise this with MS?
@AK-RenegadeX I presume you are using the latest online management API right? Did you try to open a ticket with vendor?
@AK-RenegadeX I presume you have managed to fix this?
@AK-RenegadeX I presume the account you are running this under is a Dynamics 365 Service Admin and has access to both of the instances? Also is MFA enabled for this...
@AK-RenegadeX can you able to perform a copy from the UI using the same acccount? https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/admin/copy-environment