@BubunCTS The connection string format is described in here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/developer/common-data-service/xrm-tooling/use-connection-strings-xrm-tooling-connect If you can connect using this from console app, most tasks will work. You will need an IFD setup or...
@joshcampbell191 do you use the CRM package for any custom steps? How do you see this task working? accepting a list of rule names and status?
@joshcampbell191 if you can submit a happy I would be happy to review and merge. I think we would need to find a way to make this configurable. perhaps a...
@jshield-DAWR @don-matese have you tried with the latest versions of the PS Module or task? If this is still an issue we can discuss a potential solution. I can't think...
@abhishekjoel please share some logs and this is a strange behavior, and when you say does not finish, how long is that?
@Fabienr34000 did you try with "Use Async Mode"? If this still doesn't work, please run the pipeline with system.debug = true and share the logs
@RavitejaMuthyala are you supplying the types and steps in the json format for the task?
@jellevervloessem are you deploying all these patches to production? at what point do you deploy the next version?
@arjun-bhatia Below are some options on who you might be able to overcome this 1. Ensure Guids are same through well define reference data management process. Use can use config...
@aboodh95 can you please share the full log? I want to see at which point in the logs the error is happening