@bfallar3 unlikely as firewalls are normally for external and inbound traffic. HAve you tried to run the console app on the agent server under the account that is running the...
@dga205 thanks for sharing this. What type of parameter do you suggest to add to the task? A path to a config file that contains some additional settings?
@don-matese looks like this is due to something in the backend. I don't think there is an issue with the task. Did you try to raise a case with MS?
@skyovi you could try to use the "Copy Solution Components" task to copy the components from all solutions into the solution you want to export.
@nickgsoft does the ping task work for you? You normally get this error if connecting string is not valid or some other issue with connectivity from agent to CRM.
Closing as no activity for a month, please re-open if you are still having issues
@nickgsoft connection string should be in this format: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/customerengagement/on-premises/developer/xrm-tooling/use-connection-strings-xrm-tooling-connect I presume for on-premise it would be: AuthType=AD;Url=http://contoso:8080/Test;Domain=CONTOSO;Username=jsmith;Password=passcode" Where are you running the release from? I mean where is the agent...
@nickgsoft Yes it does execute this PS: https://github.com/WaelHamze/xrm-ci-framework/blob/master/MSDYNV9/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell.Scripts/Ping.ps1 You can download the module from: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell.Cmdlets/ I still think it is a connection string/network/proxy issue. Does this connection string work using...
@pathartl thx for the suggestion, need to check if there are any limitations on the length of the output parameters as the solution description can be lengthy in some cases.
@mrmwink The task actually uses the powershell module to import the data: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.ConfigurationMigration/ This may have a different behaviour than the config migration tool itself via the UI. I suggest...