AVideo-Storage copied to clipboard
Your Streamer Answer an error!
The problem again, I can't connect my storage to the streamer.
Check the Apache logs on your storage server
I just notice
are you using the YPTStorage or CDN storage?
where are you seeing the error?
please screenshot
are you using the YPTStorage or CDN storage? This screenshot is from a streamer.
storage server log error
Streamer server log
Can you please double check if your CDN storage is disabled?
User# 3474
If you will use the YPT storage, make sure you uncheck this
you cannot have 2 different types of storage enable
but again, please screenshot where are you seeing the error and check your storage server apache log. (NOT streamer log)
and you must check the log at the same time the error happen
damn, it all broke. Some of them flew to non-existent storage and now links to playlists on theirs do not work, and nothing can be played. Just as I did not send anything to the storage and does not send, I photographed the errors, exactly when I transferred the files. Yes, my checkbox is disabled
I am really confused what is the problem and what you have changed and done
FYI, you cannot move storage like that, just disabling plugins
once you decide on your storage type, do not change it anymore.
please be clear about what storage you are using, disable all other types of storage (and do not enable anymore)
I am not sure if the video that is not playing, where is the file hosted (CDN storage or YPT Storage)
currently, I am so confused so I assume you are too. the easiest solution is to start uploading all over again to a single storage or hire me to TRY to fix it
Damn, what a pity yomayo. Everything that was converted went here, and everything cannot be reproduced. You will have to connect via FTP, download and upload these playlists to another location, you will also have to connect and upload to the repository via FTP. I don’t know if it will work later, it’s a pity the big part is like that, it seems to be, but it doesn’t work.
basically, that is what needs to be done, but I do not know where your files are hosted.
Was I correct? did you have 2 different types of storage enabled?
I don't have a tick initially. But both cdn and storage are included. The files are located on the local storage, in the folder, but I cannot open them because they have moved to non-existent storage.
but did you have both storage enabled?
Prior to reinstallation, two were up and running.
but the enable_storage property was checked?
It was initially turned off, I turned it on for a second, and then I saw what you wrote to turn it off, quickly turned it off. Some remained locally, but not playable on the streamer, and some simply disappeared.
I am not sure...
you may use the FTP to connect to the CDN storage,
use the same credentials on the plugin parameters menu
you will be able to see if your files are there, if they are there you can replace the files locally.
after that, you will need to set the videos table sites_id = null