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A few minimal bare-metal "hello, world" programs to help learn about the GD32VF103 RISC-V microcontroller without relying on a particular framework.

GD32VF103 Bare-Metal "Hello, World"

This is a handful of template bare-metal programs for the GD32VF103CB RISC-V microcontroller. These look like fun chips because their peripherals are very similar to those found on the well-understood STM32F103 workhorse, but they have a shiny new RISC-V CPU core which is 50% faster and apparently more power efficient. So while RISC-V is a fairly young architecture, there is still plenty of example code demonstrating how to work with these peripherals, which should make it easier to get started.

They are written for a "Longan Nano" board, which you can buy from Seeed Studios for a little less than $5 each at the time of writing:

Seeed Studio's Longan Nano Page

These boards include a common-anode RGB LED, with the cathodes connected to pins C13 (Red), A1 (Green), and A2 (Blue). Since the pins are connected to the cathodes instead of the anodes, writing a 0 turns an LED on and writing a 1 turns it off. You can find more information about how the board is wired in its schematic:

Longan Nano Schematics

They also have a 160x80-pixel ST7735 TFT display wired to one of its SPI peripherals, which is a nice little extra. It seems to use the same sort of command set as ILI9341 and ILI9361C displays.

Compiler Toolchain

The GD32VF1 family of chips have a 32-bit RISC-V CPU core with integer multiplication instructions, but no floating-point unit. This is conceptually similar to the ARM Cortex-M3 CPU core which is found in the STM32F1 microcontrollers which...inspired...these chips.

So to build this project, you'll need to build an appropriate GCC toolchain. You can use the RISC-V GCC port configured for an rv32im architecture:

RISC-V GNU toolchain

A basic set of build commands would look something like this:

git clone --recursive
cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --with-arch=rv32im --prefix=[install directory]

You might need to install a few dependencies such as the bison, flex, and texinfo packages. If you're missing any, the make or configure commands will print out errors telling you what to install. There's also a list under the 'Prerequisites' section of the toolchain's Readme.

Also, the --prefix argument is optional; it lets you specity an install directory, like /opt/riscv-gcc or /home/user/riscv-gcc. This makes it easier to uninstall later, but it also means that you'll need to add [install directory]/bin to your PATH environment variable in order to run programs like riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc.

Finally, this build process will probably take a little bit of time, and it requires a little more than 10GB of free disk space. The make command will both build and install the toolchain, so depending on where you want to install it, you might be prompted to run sudo make. Once everything is done, you might need to run sudo ldconfig or restart your machine before you can run the installed programs normally, but you should be able to delete the build files under your riscv-gnu-toolchain/build directory if you need to free up disk space afterwards.

Project Organization

The common/ directory contains code that is shared by all of the projects, and the hello_blah directories contain the actual application code and a Makefile for each example.

  • hello_riscv is a minimal example to test whether your build / program / debug toolchain is working.

  • hello_led toggles the board's RGB LEDs.

  • hello_systick toggles the board's RGB LEDs every second, using the CPU's timer interrupt as a source of time.

  • hello_display configures the chip's SPI and DMA peripherals to draw to the board's display, and cycles through a few different patterns.

The common/gd32vf103xb_boot.S file contains the interrupt vector table and the reset_handler assembly function. I've been trying to put all of my code into .c files lately, but the CLIC interrupt system which these chips use might not be built into the universal RISC-V toolchain yet. So while the csrw CSR_MTVT a0 assembly command is valid, the __asm__( "csrw CSR_MTVT a0" ); line of C code causes an 'unrecognized CSR' compiler error. Weird.

The common/device_headers/gd32vf103.h file is hand-written with a few peripheral memory definitions taken from the GD32VF1 reference manual, but it is not comprehensive. I named the definitions to match those found in STM32F1 device header files; the peripherals are very similar, so I'm hoping to start putting together a header file which allows identical driver code to be used for STM32F103 and GD32VF103 chips wherever possible. But it might also be a little bit confusing, because the GD32 peripherals are 0-indexed while the STM32 ones are 1-indexed. So what I call SPI1 is called SPI0 in the GD32 reference material. Life isn't perfect.

Some configuration files, such as the OpenOCD files and the RISC-V equivalent of CMSIS headers, are from the GD32VF103 Firmware Library which you can find here:

GD32VF103 Firmware Library

You can run openocd -f openocd/openocd_ft2232.cfg to open a debugging connection using the "Sipeed" USB/JTAG dongles which Seeed Studio sells alongside these boards, but I had to comment out the ftdi_device_desc setting to get OpenOCD to recognize mine. You'll also need to use a patched version of OpenOCD which can connect to and flash GD32VF103 chips:

GD32VF103-compatible RISC-V OpenOCD Fork


The GD32VF103 has two options for handling interrupts: "vectored" and "non-vectored". The "vectored" option looks up an interrupt's memory address in the vector table and jumps directly to it, while the "non-vectored" option causes all interrupts to trigger a common "trap handler" which calls the appropriate interrupt handler function.

The standard firmware library uses the "non-vectored" option, probably because the RISC-V CPU doesn't have hardware to automatically save and restore the CPU's context when interrupts are triggered and exited.

But I'm more familiar with vectored interrupts, so for this first example, I decided to use that option. The __attribute__( ( interrupt ) ) function annotation causes the compiler to automatically add logic which saves and restores the CPU context, but you have to add even more logic if you want higher-priority interrupts to be able to pre-empt lower-priority ones. See the "Vector processing mode" section of the "Bumblebee core datasheet" for more information - it's section 5.13.2 in the version that I'm looking at.