vite-plugin-single-spa copied to clipboard
Does this work with sveltekit?
Thanks for your work on this plugin.
I'm using Vite + Sveltekit, and I'm thinking of disabling SSR for a single route, and then using single-spa/import-map to dynamically mount component(s) to the page. In essence, this route will use a micro-frontend, while the others will be handled by Sveltekit.
I will try it out using your plugin; however, do you foresee any issues?
Thank you!
I'll leave some notes here as I work through the experiment.
We could provide an option to specify the location to the index.html
file, since SvelteKit's default location is src/app.html
I seem to be able to inject the import map this way:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<link rel="icon" href="%sveltekit.assets%/favicon.png" />
<body data-sveltekit-preload-data="hover">
<div style="display: contents">%sveltekit.body%</div>
import importMap from "./importMap.json";
import devImportMap from "./";
const buildImportMapScript = (map) => {
return `
<script type="importmap">
export const handle: Handle = async ({ event, resolve }) => {
const response = await resolve(event, {
transformPageChunk: ({ html }) => html.replace('%import-map%', import.meta.env.DEV ? buildImportMapScript(devImportMap) : buildImportMapScript(importMap)),
return response;
This is mounting a test component (so far, without styles).
export const ssr = false;
export const prerender = false;
import { registerApplication, start } from 'single-spa';
name: 'ace',
app: async () => await import("ace"),
activeWhen: location => location.pathname.startsWith('/queries'),
<script context="module">
import "./init.js";
<div id="editor-container" class="flex flex-col bg-white shadow-sm rounded-lg p-4 w-full h-full relative">
Hello, David.
Funny that you mention Sveltekit. I originally started wanting to use it for my ultimate goal at work. I desisted quickly because of two issues, but I cannot tell you that they are unsurpassable, so don't be discouraged. They might not even be related to this topic. I stopped because:
- I wanted to use SvelteKit with dynamic routes, which it can do of course, but then the resulting application cannot be a static web application. In other words: Building the Sveltekit project cannot be done with the static adapter.
, in its current state, does not play well with SSR.
I know! Both issues are exclusive: Do you want a static site or do you want an SSR site? Make up your mind, ha!
Because I was just starting experimentation, I quickly turned my eyes to using a Svelte project created with npm create vite@latest
. After 3 or so months, I haven't revisited Sveltekit.
BTW, the SSR issue has an easy fix. I just don't know where I put that. It was an IF statement around the application registration call(s) to avoid double registration.
Please make a separate issue for each problem, so we can properly track them.
I have created two out of your coments.
Hey WebJose, sorry for the delay, I'm just getting back to this now. Cool, thank you for the additional context! I'll see what I can figure out!
Good news! I think I know now how to support SvelteKit, at least for root config projects. For MFE projects, I don't know if work is actually needed, to be honest. Maybe it works as-is? Will test whenever I have some time.