document-picture-in-picture copied to clipboard
This makes user activations in the document picture-in-picture window usable inside the opener window. This makes it more ergonomic to use user-activation-gated APIs, since often event handlers in the document...
A UA is free to select a position and size for a document PiP window that does not conform to the size requested by the site with `requestWindow()`. A typical...
When using the `requestWindow` API to initialize Picture-in-Picture (PiP) the PiP window frequently starts in unpredictable position (and size) on the screen. It feels like it should remember the last...
Wouldn't it be better if document PiP has it's own implementation of refocusing on main window instead of modifying window.focus() directly? I believe some 3rd party libraries out there use...
Update the spec for video element picture-in-picture in document pip window. - videoElement.requestPictureInPicture() in a document pip window will reject with NotSupportedError. - document.PictureInPictureEnabled will return false in a pip...
I like the original idea of Document Picture in Picture, as written in [explainer]( > The website can provide custom controls and inputs (e.g. captions, playlists, time scrubber, liking/disliking videos,...
On Ubuntu, the Doc PIP window from my web app stays with me as I move between workspaces in my OS (like "desktops" in Windows). But on Windows 10, the...
Hi there, My team and I are experiencing an issue where, when we have a PIP window open and a React component is rendered within the PIP window, the styles...
I'm working on a webextension and tried `documentPictureInPicture.requestWindow()` from within a sidePanel. Unfortunately it doesn't work from there (onenter and window attributes are both null).
Currently history.back/forward/go(delta) doesn't work inside the iframe of the DPIP window In the current implementation, after i change the url inside the iframe and go back using history.back nothing happens...