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Explainer and spec for the Content Indexing proposal

Content Indexing

Written: 2019-04-29
Updated: 2019-05-08
Spec: Draft

High quality offline-enabled web content is not easily discoverable by users right now. They would have to know which websites work offline or install a PWA to be able to browse through content while offline. This is not a great user experience as there is no central point to discover available content. To address this, we propose a new API to allow developers to tell the browser about their specific content.

The content index allows websites to register their offline enabled content in the browser. This allows the browser to improve their offline capabilities and offer content to users to browse through while offline. This data could also be used to improve on-device search and augment browsing history.

Why do we need this?

Unrealiable or even unavailable network connections are very common on mobile devices. Even in connected cities like London, people have very limited connectivity while travelling underground. This API would allow browsers to show meaningful content to users in these situations and sites to increase user engagement.

Browser vendors are already looking for content relevant to the user, based on their browsing history, and make it available to be consumed offline. This is not ideal as it ignores the entity with the most knowledge of that content - the providers themselves. With this API they can highlight user specific, high quality content through the browser. Grouping content by a category (e.g. 'article', 'video', 'audio') allows an even richer experience as the browser is able to understand what kind of content is available and show a relevant UI.

Usage scenario 1

A news publisher has a website that uses service workers to allow its users to read news articles offline. Highly engaged users of this website may see a link to the site in their browsers home screen, but have no way of knowing if there are any new articles available to read beforehand. The news site can leverage web notifications for high priority breaking news articles, but should not use them for less important ones. By using this API, the news site can simply expose its content to the browser which can then surface that content to the user. Users can then browse available content in a central location, even while offline.

Usage scenario 2

A blog publishes regular podcasts to its users. It is available as a PWA and uses background fetch to download the audio files. An embedded media player then allows users to listen to these podcasts. With this API, these podcasts can be surfaced in the OS, allowing users to search for their downloaded content through native UI surfaces. This integration is only available with native apps at the moment.


  • Allow users to easily find content even while offline
  • Surface high quality content in native spaces (example: Android Slices)


Broader API landscape

Service Worker

We propose to add this API as an extension to Service Workers. This allows browsers to check if the given content is actually available offline. This also makes it easier for developers, as the entries get removed automatically if the service worker is unregistered (and therefore can not provide the offline content anymore).

CacheStorage API

The CacheStorage API allows websites to cache requests and, for example, use the cached content in the fetch event of a service worker. This makes it easy to ensure that some content is available offline, and is one of the steps to create high quality Progressive Web Apps.

Web Packaging

Web Packaging is a proposed API to bundle resources of a website together, so they can be shared offline. This also allows them to be securely distributed as a bundle. This API plays nicely together with Content Indexing, making it easier to ensure all necessary content is available offline.

Security and Privacy

Developers have control over which content they want to make available to the browser. The lifetime of an entry in the content index is comparable to that of Notifications, but with a less intrusive UX and more structured content. When adding personalized content, websites can simply remove entries on logout (and close all open Notifications). The storage required to store the entries of the index itself count towards the quota of the origin. This document contains additional answers of the security & privacy questionnaire.

Abuse Considerations

Browsers surfacing content can lead to increased exposure to a website, which would lead to increased profit for said website. This might cause malicious/spammy websites to aggressivley register offline-capable content in order to maximize their chances of exposure. The spec does not enforce a cap on how many content index entries can be registered, nor does it enforce that the content should be displayed. Therefore, it is important that browsers to choose the appropriate content to surface at the right time.

That remains to be an implementer choice, but some useful signals browsers can use are:

  • The user's engagement with the website
  • The freshness of the content
  • The user's engagement with other surfaced content from the website

Browsers can also apply a per-origin cap for the content to surface, and penalize websites that don't clean-up expired content and user-deleted content.


Please see this separate document for the proposed WebIDL additions.

General usage

// Add an article to the content index
await swRegistration.index.add({
  id: 'article-123',
  title: 'Article title',
  description: 'Amazing article about things!',
  category: 'article',
  icons: [
      src: '',
      sizes: '64x64',
      type: 'image/png',
  url: '',

// Delete an entry from the content index
await swRegistration.index.delete('article-123');

// List all entries in the content index
const entries = await swRegistration.index.getAll();

Combined with other APIs

Sending breaking news articles via Push API allows websites to keep their users up to date. Adding these articles to the content index allows the browser to highlight them and make them discoverable later on. In this example we make use of the CacheStorage API to cache content resources, and the Indexed Database to store the structured content.

async function handlePush(data) {
  // Fetch additional data about pushed content
  const news = await fetch(`/api/news/${}`);

  // Store content in database and cache resources
  await Promise.all([db.add(news), cache.add(news.icons[0].src)]);

  // Add content to content index
  if ('index' in self.registration) {
    await self.registration.index.add({
      title: news.title,
      description: news.description,
      category: 'article',
      icons: news.icons,
      url: `/news/${}`,

  // Display a notification
  return self.registration.showNotification(news.title, {
    body: news.description,
    icon: news.icons[0].src,

// Handle web push event in service worker
self.addEventListener('push', event => event.waitUntil(handlePush(;

// Handle content deletion event in service worker.
// This is called when a user (or useragent) has deleted the content.
self.addEventListener('contentdelete', event => {
    // Delete cache & DB entries using ``.

When used together with the proposed Periodic Background Sync API, this allows websites to automatically sync fresh content and make it available to users.

// Add an article to the content index
function addArticleToIndex(article) {
  return self.registration.index.add({
    title: article.title,
    description: article.description,
    category: 'article',
    icons: article.icons,
    url: '/articles/' +,

// Fetch new content, cache it and add it to the content index
async function updateLatestNews() {
  const latestNews = await fetch('/latest-news');
  // TODO: cache content
  if ('index' in self.registration) {
    await Promise.all(;

// Handle periodic sync event in service worker
self.addEventListener('periodicsync', event => {
  if (event.registration.tag === 'get-latest-news') {

Alternatives considered

Extending the Cache interface

One of the requirements for this API is that the exposed content is available offline. In the case of an article this could be implemented by simply adding the response to the Service Worker Cache. We could extend this API to specify that specific cached entries can be exposed to the user.

This would limit some use cases as new content would have to be served from a server. When using the content index, developers could generate and store content offline and then add it to the index, making it available without any network connection.


Many thanks to @beverloo and @jakearchibald for their ideas, input and discussion.