background-fetch copied to clipboard
API proposal for background downloading/uploading
This suggests `"bytes="` is the prefix whereas per the RFCs it appears to be `"bytes "` (i.e., trailing space, no trailing equals sign). Might be worth capturing this difference in...
The specification defines several events that go directly to the service worker, for instance if fetch fails, is aborted, finishes or the fetch UI is clicked. This is problematic as...
A service worker that manages background fetches is not required to handle backgroundfetchclick events. Similarly, a bug in a backgroundfetchclick event handler (an early return, a rejected promise, a spin...
(Note: I know this is a big departure from the current model of bgfetch). I am curious if there is any interest in allowing pages to use bgfetch without having... is executing a 'display ' step which might trigger prompting the user. User activation is generally a requirement in those flows. This would also mirror well the desired behavior...
Background fetch might require displaying User Agent UI to show ongoing background fetch states. Displaying such information is particularly hard to do for third-party contexts which origin the user may...
**Problem Statement**: Managing storage quota for origins in a browser is problematic. Although [the storage spec]( now has a concept of [buckets]( as the atomic unit of storage for eviction...
The browser should look at `downloadTotal` and fail early if that quota is not available.
Last note from TAG review: In the explainer there is a note about the UA should take steps to ensure that the content that originates from the web app...
responseReady could fail if the response stream errored (maybe due lost of network connectivity). It shouldn't be equated to the background fetch failing, instead, the response should be retried by...