background-fetch copied to clipboard
Restrict requests to http(s): scheme
Currently Background Fetch supports any URI scheme supported by Fetch, with the added restriction that Background Fetch is only exposed in Secure Contexts since it hangs off ServiceWorkerRegistration
, and so Mixed Content §should-block-fetch requires request urls to be a priori authenticated. This is defined to be either a data: URI or anything considered "Potentially Trustworthy" by Secure Contexts §is-url-trustworthy.
So in practice requests are currently limited to: https:, [loopback] http:, data:, wss:, file:, chrome-extension: (or similar), about:blank, or about:srcdoc.
I'd like to propose restricting to only https: and [loopback] http:, since:
- wss: doesn't seem to allow fetching resources.
- data:, file:, chrome-extension:, and about: are local requests that can be satisfied almost immediately, so the ordinary Fetch API should be preferred for these.
(one case that's debatable is file: URLs to network shares, for which a background fetch might make more sense; however since that's a rather niche usecase I'd rather start without it, and we can always add support later)
Agreed. Makes sense.