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Unified Instance and Knowledge Alignment Pretraining for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
Unified Instance and Knowledge Alignment Pretraining for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
This is the official implementation of our paper, "Unified Instance and Knowledge Alignment Pretraining for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis" (in Pytorch).
- python 3.7
- pytorch-gpu 1.7
- numpy 1.19.4
- pytorch_pretrained_bert 0.6.2
- nltk 3.3
- GloVe.840B.300d
- bert-base-uncased
- OS: Ubuntu-16.04.1
- GPU: GeForce RTX 2080
- CUDA: 10.2
- cuDNN: v8.0.2
target datasets
- raw data: "./dataset/"
- processing data: "./dataset_npy/"
- word embedding file: "./embeddings/"
pretraining datasets
- Amazon review: Amazon Reviews for Sentiment Analysis | Kaggle
- Yelp review: Yelp Review Sentiment Dataset | Kaggle
- For the first time, please run "python ./process_data.py" to process the pretraining datasets (remember modifying the path).
Training options
- ds_name: the name of target dataset, ['14semeval_laptop', '14semeval_rest', 'Twitter'], default='14semeval_rest'
- pre_name: the name of pretraining dataset, ['Amazon', 'Yelp'], default='Amazon'
- bs: batch size to use during training, [64, 100, 200], default=64
- learning_rate: learning rate to use, [0.001, 0.0005, 0.00001], default=0.001
- n_epoch: number of epoch to use, [5, 10], default=10
- model: the name of model, ['ABGCN', 'GCAE', 'ATAE'], default='ABGCN'
- is_test: train or test the model, [0, 1], default=1
- is_bert: GloVe-based or BERT-based, [0, 1], default=0
- alpha: value of parameter \alpha in knowledge guidance loss of the paper, [0.5, 0.6, 0.7], default=0.06
- stage: the number of training stage, [1, 2, 3, 4], default=4
running for the first stage (pretraining on the document)
- python ./main.py -pre_name Amaozn -bs 256 -learning_rate 0.0005 -n_epoch 10 -model ABGCN -is_test 0 -is_bert 0 -stage 1
running for the second stage
- python ./main.py -ds_name 14semeval_laptop -bs 64 -learning_rate 0.001 -n_epoch 5 -model ABGCN -is_test 0 -is_bert 0 -alpha 0.6 -stage 2
runing for the final stage
- python ./main.py -ds_name 14semeval_laptop -bs 64 -learning_rate 0.001 -n_epoch 10 -model ABGCN -is_test 0 -is_bert 0 -stage 3
training from scratch:
- python ./main.py -ds_name 14semeval_laptop -bs 64 -learning_rate 0.001 -n_epoch 10 -model ABGCN -is_test 0 -is_bert 0 -stage 4
To have a quick look, we saved the best model weight trained on the target datasets in the "./best_model_weight". You can easily load them and test the performance. Due to the limited file space, we only provide the weight of ABGCN on 14semeval_laptop and 14semeval_rest datasets. You can evaluate the model weight with:
- python ./main.py -ds_name 14semeval_laptop -bs 64 -model ABGCN -is_test 1 -is_bert 0
- python ./main.py -ds_name 14semeval_rest-bs 64 -model ABGCN -is_test 1 -is_bert 0
The target datasets and more than 50% of the code are borrowed from TNet-ATT (Tang et.al, ACL2019).
The pretraining datasets are obtained from www.Kaggle.com.
If you find this work helpful, please consider citing as follows:
title={Unified instance and knowledge alignment pretraining for aspect-based sentiment analysis},
author={Liu, Juhua and Zhong, Qihuang and Ding, Liang and Jin, Hua and Du, Bo and Tao, Dacheng},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.13398},