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New visualisations
I've been experimenting with some visualisations not directly based on the default wikidata query service but that draw from wikidata queries in [R] (Code examples, R notebook as html, related issue). It may be worth considering moving to D3 visualisations eventually to allow for more customisable visualisations and display layout?
Interactive chord diagram example:
We could do this more. I made the "work-topic matrix visualization" in the author aspect. This is the only do far.
I've found that in both this and network diagrams benefit from colouring by cluster (either clustering by label propagation [1] or DBSCAN [2]). It also allows for logical orering of nodes around the perimieter in a chord diagram.
- Raghavan, U.N. and Albert, R. and Kumara, S.: Near linear time algorithm to detect community structures in large-scale networks. Phys Rev E 76, 036106. (2007)
- Hahsler M, Piekenbrock M, Doran D (2019). dbscan: Fast Density-Based Clustering with R. Journal of Statistical Software, 91(1), 1-30. doi: 10.18637/jss.v091.i01
We already serve D3 so it is "just" the Javascript glue between WDQS and D3 that is needed.
Interesting. I've been having a go at a co-topic network using networkD3 in [R]. It works well locally, but I'm still working on getting the website to function properly:
- Website:
- Code:
Glad to hear that we are using D3 currently, will try to close #458 with it :) maybe of interest for implementing such visualizations?