> how do we know the move_id offset is 518? the devs placed it there and that's where all the scanning brought us. It just be like that > my...
as a workaround you can always pick right side in character select screen, and turn Switch Positions ON in practice mode
because no one has coded a list of punishes for him yet since he's a newish character (Negan.txt is missing in TekkenBot/TekkenData/CharacterData)
EDIT: instructions added to the first post
@yurome new "adress" for patch 1.13 2018-04-13 are already available here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WAZAAAAA0/TekkenBot/35e072e3bec6df765b5ff17d46467a77e6e9b69c/TekkenData/memory_address.ini
TekkenBotPrime v0.10.0 is out and fully works with 1.14, get it from here https://github.com/WAZAAAAA0/TekkenBot/releases/tag/v0.10.0
@sjshdb1 `CE_NonMatchAddresses.CT` is unnecessary to the bot, so I don't bother updating it
@compsyguy open `CE_TekkenBot.CT` with notepad and look for the `` sections, they should tell you how the addresses "looked like" last time the CT worked or you can rollback like...
Season 2 update is done 👌
@piecedigital @Lanqu @compsyguy just finished writing instructions, take a look https://github.com/WAZAAAAA0/TekkenBot/wiki/How-to-update-addresses hopefully more people will be able to provide updates in the future