Wilson Xu
Wilson Xu
Hi I was trying to follow the "unsupervised_hello_world" notebook tutorial, but trained on Stanford cars dataset. (https://github.com/tensorflow/similarity/blob/master/examples/unsupervised_hello_world.ipynb). Running into out of memory error even with 4x 16gb Nvidia V100 as...
Hi there, Under README.md, last section (Cross-domain few-shot learning) `python test_bscdfsl.py --test_n_way 5 --n_shot 5 --device cuda:0 --arch dino_small_patch16 --deploy finetune --output outputs/your_experiment_name --resume outputs/your_experiment_name/best.pth --ada_steps 100 --ada_lr 0.0001 --aug_prob...
HI there, Encounted error: https://github.com/pytorch/vision/issues/5927 while testing cross-domain fine-tuning. Fix approach: under CropDisease_few_shot.py (and other datasets) ``` def parse_transform(..): # replace Scale with Resize: elif transform_type=='Resize': return method([int(self.image_size*1.15), int(self.image_size*1.15)]) ......
Hi there, I encountered an error when running test_bscdfsl.py on `--cdfsl_domains CropDisease ChestX`. While scanning through to find the best learning rate for the fine-tuning dataset, the loop works for...
Hi, after training the G-ODIN model on my own data, I would like to evaluate its ability to predict whether a test sample is within or out of distribution. Q1....