MarriageBot copied to clipboard
A Discord bot for fake marriages
This is a Discord bot intended to bring love and drama to your Discord servers. It allows two users to get married. There are no benefits to being married. It simply is a thing that you can do. Here's a family tree you can make through marrying and adopting various users:
/marry @User#1231
- This command lets you propose to another user. They can, of course, then deny your proposal, but that's unimportant
/divorce @User#1231
- This does the opposite of the marry command, as you can imagine. It opens you back up to the dating pool.
/adopt @User#1231
- Lets you try and adopt the mentioned user.
/makeparent @User#1231
- Asks the person to be your parent. This will further restrict you from the dating pool, but makes your fake family trees look cooler.
/disown @User#1231
- Lets you to disown one of your children.
/emancipate @User#1231
- The equivelant of running away from home. Removes your parent.
/partner [@User#1231]
- Shows who the someone's partner is. Defaults to yourself.
/parent [@User#1231]
- Shows who the someone's parent is. Defaults to yourself.
/relationship @User#1231 [@User2#4564]
- Shows you the relationship beteween the two given users (or the first user and yourself).
/familysize [@User#1231]
- Gives you the amount of people in your family tree.
/tree [@User#1231]
- Shows your family tree of blood relatives. Defaults to yourself. The bot needs to be able to send images to do this.
/fulltree [@User#1231]
- Shows you your entire family tree - non-blood relatives included. Defaults to yourself. The bot needs to be able to send images to do this.