ODRefreshControl copied to clipboard
A pull down to refresh control like the one in Apple's iOS6 Mail App
Important note if your project doesn't use ARC: you must add the @-fobjc-arc@ compiler flag to @ODRefreshControl.m@ in Target Settings > Build Phases > Compile Sources.
If you are using ODRefreshControl in your app, drop me a line so I can add your app here!
h1. ODRefreshControl
ODRefreshControl is a "pull down to refresh" control for UIScrollView, like the one Apple introduced in iOS6, but available to anyone from iOS4 and up.
h2. Installation
- Drag the @ODRefreshControl/ODRefreshControl@ folder into your project.
- Add the QuartzCore framework to your project.
- @#import "ODRefreshControl.h"@
h2. Usage
(see sample Xcode project in @/Demo@)
h3. Adding a refresh control to your table view
ODRefreshControl *refreshControl = [[ODRefreshControl alloc] initInScrollView:self.scrollView];
To know when the refresh operation has started, add an action method to the UIControlEventValueChanged event of the control
[refreshControl addTarget:self action:@selector(dropViewDidBeginRefreshing:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
If you’d like to programmatically start the refresh operation, use
[refreshControl beginRefreshing];
Remember to tell the control when the refresh operation has ended
[refreshControl endRefreshing];
h4. Customization
The @ODRefreshControl@ can be customized using the following properties:
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *tintColor; @property (nonatomic, assign) UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle activityIndicatorViewStyle; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *activityIndicatorViewColor; // iOS5 or more
h3. Using the iOS 6 control when possible
This will take a UITableViewController and configure it to use a UIRefreshController if it's available (running iOS 6) or an ODRefreshController if it isn't. One or the other will be returned, which you can then customize if necessary.
id *refreshControl = [ODRefreshControl setupRefreshForTableViewController:self withRefreshTarget:self action:@selector(dropViewDidBeginRefreshing:)];
h2. Credits
ODRefreshControl is brought to you by "Fabio Ritrovato":http://orangeinaday.com and "contributors to the project":https://github.com/Sephiroth87/ODRefreshControl/contributors. If you have feature suggestions or bug reports, feel free to help out by sending pull requests or by "creating new issues":https://github.com/Sephiroth87/ODRefreshControl/issues/new. If you're using ODRefreshControl in your project, attribution would be nice. !https://cruel-carlota.pagodabox.com/a9d517c98620f7f8e865458f744c1cbb!