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Add Support for SimpleX Chat - Open source privacy focused messenger
Telegram works great, but there are some privacy sacrifices:
- Accounts are tied to phone numbers
- Images posted in groups are not end to end encrypted
- There have been some questionable encryption design decisions in Telegram's history, making people wonder whether a backdoor exists.
When using Telegram, we're uploading images of our vehicles, number plates, faces of friends, family and our children. Cameras set to monitor backyards will upload a variety of private images to Telegram, cloud encrypted but not end to end.
SimpleX Chat:
- No phone numbers, uses unique ID/invites.
- Security assessment by Trail of Bits
- Option to host your own SMP and XFTP servers
- Desktop, mobile and terminal apps available.
How I picture this might work (user experience):
- User installs App on Mobile or Desktop, creates a group and configure settings (message expiry, group profile image etc).
- Enable option in AI Tool. This creates a SimpleX address (with auto accept enabled) which is needed by the user to add AI Tool as a contact.
- User then invites AI Tool contact to group (with "member" role). User invites other contacts (family) into group to also get notifications.
- AI Tool posts images and descriptions to group.
Lots of stuff available on Github. Here is a chatbot example: