bi-aidetection copied to clipboard
Burst analyze 5 pics THEN cooldown
When persons runs through the field of vision on IR, the image gets very blurry. So using a single JPG to send to deepquest is a hit or miss... sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But the next frame on the video may actually have a clear image where the person would be easily recognized. (And sending another image only 1 second or 2 seconds later may be too late, as in: person may already be out of frame completely)
So what I want to do is tell BlueIris to save a JPG every .25 seconds and I'd like AI tool to send the first 5 of these to deepquest. Only after 5 do I want it to cool down and ignore additional JPGs, maybe for 3 seconds.
I found no way to do this with the current settings. Could you work something in? Maybe "Start cooldown after X images" or "Start cooldown after X seconds" ?
Thank you.
I have 15 seconds pre recording buffer in Blue Iris to catch the video. Also I turn off queue for sending pic to deepstack, results much faster to catch the pic with person before the pre recording buffer is gone.
I have P106 GPU ($30USD, equivalent to 1060) for Deepstack and it takes 60ms to process an image with MODE = High
I have the cool down set to 30 seconds in AI Tools and break time 45 seconds in Blue Iris to make sure enough recordings
Thank you for recommending the P106, I'll keep that in mind for the future, but for now I am running on a recycled mac that does not allow me the luxury of swapping the graphics card.
So it needs about 800 ms to process an image and I am really interested in solving this with an algo that requires less calls to Deepstack. As said I'd like AItool to pass the 5 first images and THEN cooldown. (For now it seems it will cooldown if it detects anything, for example a "stop sign", even if I am interested only in humans)
I am willing to dig into the code but I am not familiar with this app (and not really with C# either) so if someone could tell me in which file to start looking for the code that decides wether we call Deepstack or if we are cooling down, it would help me a lot ;)
reduce the sensitivity in blue iris to reduce number of images.
Again, I DO want many images taken 0.25 seconds apart BUT I only want to process the first 5 of them and then cooldown to ignore every other image for 5 seconds.
where did you get a p106 for 30$?:)