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React Messing with plugins
Describe the bug I am using UAFK, an anti afk plugin:⭐ultraafk║1-8-1-16-3║bungeecord-shared⭐.29839/ once i had an amount of aproximately 25 players the server started lagging because of that plugin, and that plugin never caused lag like that before
i contacted the owner of the plugin and he told me that react may be messing with the plugin, that it is a great plugin but sometimes when it messes with some specific plugins it can cause more lag than before.
(i did test it, and the plugin seems to work fine without react)
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: have more than 25 players playing normally while having UAFK and React
Server and Plugin Informations
Installed plugins:
[15:00:28 INFO]: Plugins (91): AdvancedAbilities, AdvancedDonations, AdvancedTPA*, AlonsoTags, AntiBow, antiRedstoneClock, Anvil*, ArmorStandTools, asCMD*, AsyncWorldEdit, BetterSleeping*, BloodMoon, CalendarEvents, ChatManager, ChatReaction, CombatLogX, CoreProtect, CraftingStore, CustomCrafting, CustomSkinsManager, DiscordSRV, DragonEggDrop, EntityDetection, EpicBackpacks, FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastLeafDecay, Graves, GSit, HamsterAPI*, Hat, IllegalStack, Insights, InventorySaver, Jobs, JoinFullServer*, LiquidGuard, LiteBans, LoneLibs, LuckPerms, MeteoritesPro, MoreSounds*, MorkazSk, MovingDevApi, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-NetherPortals, NBTAPI, OmegaVision, PacketLimiter, PermissionGamemode*, PL-Hide-Pro, PlaceholderAPI, ProtectionStones, ProtocolLib, PurePunish, Randomizer*, RandomTeleport, React*, RecipeControl*, RevoltCrates, ServerBooster, ServerTutorialPlus*, SetSpawn*, SilkSpawners, SimplePortalsSpawn*, skDragon, Skript, skript-mirror*, spark, SpeedLimiter, SuperVanish, TAB, TradeSystem, TrHologram, TrMenu, UltimateHomes*, UltimateKits, Vault, VeryDangerousNether, ViaVersion, Votifier, VotingPlugin, Vulcan, WitherSound*, WolfyUtilities, WorldBorder, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, WorldGuardExtraFlags, Wraith, XConomy*, zAuctionHouseV2
React Version: 6.641
Server Platform and Version [eg: PaperSpigot 1.14.4]:
[15:04:00 INFO]: This server is running Paper version git-Paper-391 (MC: 1.15.2) (Implementing API version 1.15.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
Operating System (if applicable):
Linux (Debian)
Additional context players had to be doing many things, like digging dirt fast or moving, flying and those things constantly.