Vledic | Franco | faramburo
Vledic | Franco | faramburo
specifically NoSuchProcessException, ProcessDeletedException, ProcessAlreadyExistsException need to change (Process => RecipeInstance)
Implementing an interaction by creating an interface, instantiating the interface with a lambda, and then using the reflection API to create an `InteractionInstance` blows into a runtime exception WHEN the...
Review this content: http://www.neilsculthorpe.com/publications/safe-efficient-FRP.pdf http://www.neilsculthorpe.com/thesis/index.html And write a small report to communicate possible implementations in this library
The code right now is as loyal as possible to this paper: http://conal.net/papers/push-pull-frp/ Document the functions in the current implementation by adding quotes and explanation from the paper
After composing the API, we need to convert the resulting data structure into executable IOs. Propose a simple interpreter (a function from Behaviour[A] to IO[A]) to test our examples and...
As seen on page 8 of the paper http://conal.net/papers/push-pull-frp/
Review: https://www.cs.rit.edu/~mtf/student-resources/20124_amsden_msthesis.pdf And write a small report for possible implementations in this library
In the last Town hall there was the question "Is there a website to track the milestones of funded proposals?" and Dor commented that this would be a perfect community...