there is no information in the ASF logs about what the "ASFEnhance" plugin leaves behind. for example, the information after the "POINTS ASF" command.
Are you planning to add these features? https://github.com/Zignixx/ASF-RenamePlugin (not work) https://github.com/Zignixx/ASF-RandomAvatarPlugin (not work)
Add passive addition of free games to the account (can be enabled and disabled by command or in the configuration file). Also a command to force the addition of free...
You recently added the command "ADDBOTFRIEND" (Community Commands). I suggest adding the following commands: 1. the list of friends of the bot "friendlist" (example). 2. remove the friend "delfriend" (example)....
При лутании предметов с аккаунта, если в какой-то игре присутствует блокировка, то этот аккаунт не отправит обмен и выдаст ошибку "15" (учитывая, что на аккаунте имеются предметы из другой игры,...
**Describe what feature you want / 描述需要加入的新功能** Description of what you want. 描述一下新功能的用途 **example:** command: !buyitem **!buyitem name_bot**(or asf) **link** ( https://store.steampowered.com/buyitem/440/5050/1 ) 440 = id game 5050 = id...