Can I give you advice how to solve your issue in the different way, but efficient and with usage of best practice. Your program uses external libraries (dragon, jsoncpp etc)....
is it possible to app().quit() , register new controller and app().run() ?
1. Back to history: www subdomain is child of 1990th, when web-servers started appearing, and organisations had separate sites names for ftp, http servers (ftp.something.edu, www.something.edu). It became the de...
Just for information. google.com and www.google.com - two different sites with different IP addresses. In your example you demonstrate two domain (example.com and www.example.com) on the same IP address (here...
Just to get additional idea for you I would point to your example with Google. Google makes redirect as answer to GET request. You also can make controller , that...
@rbugajewski @Mis1eader-dev If I correctly understood idea, it can be said in other words - apache has mod_rewrite https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_rewrite.html , that can change URL and also redirect to other URL....
Drogon has this member function: ``` HttpAppFramework &setIntSignalHandler( const std::function &handler) ``` I never try, but something like this should work: ` app().setIntSignalHandler(my function); ` or even `app().setIntSignalHandler([&]{std::cerr
Would you like drogon stop running and exit? I suppose `app().quit();` will do this work (stop all threads , plugins and return to main (where you called it from))
I see, that 1 week before your issue report #include was added to this cc file. If you can use latest trantor version from git master, please try it. I...
I look at your pull request, as I use these functions in my program, and it will affect my program. I think, you have other problem in your code -...