Added new Compute Engine Operators and updated existing system tests Compute Engine operators. --- **^ Add meaningful description above** Read the **[Pull Request Guidelines](https://github.com/apache/airflow/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.rst#pull-request-guidelines)** for more information. In case of...
--- **^ Add meaningful description above** Read the **[Pull Request Guidelines](https://github.com/apache/airflow/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.rst#pull-request-guidelines)** for more information. In case of fundamental code changes, an Airflow Improvement Proposal ([AIP](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/Airflow+Improvement+Proposals)) is needed. In case of...
@RobbeSneyders @vincbeck @potiuk Hi all! I have opened a PR in main repository so more people can be involved in this discussion :) based on the conversation in this issue...
This PR adds new operators to cover Describe and List Jobs functionality. --- **^ Add meaningful description above** Read the **[Pull Request Guidelines](https://github.com/apache/airflow/blob/main/contributing-docs/05_pull_requests.rst#pull-request-guidelines)** for more information. In case of fundamental...
### After the conversation with @potiuk it was decided to track all system tests that are not working properly/do not exist. This is an aggregated issue for all system tests...
This PR: Removes datapipeline module from Google provider Moves all the related operators inside Dataflow service, based on the API that is used inside operators Adds new DataflowCreatePipeline, DataflowRunPipelineOperator and...
This PR announces deprecation policy for Google provider. --- **^ Add meaningful description above** Read the **[Pull Request Guidelines](https://github.com/apache/airflow/blob/main/contributing-docs/05_pull_requests.rst#pull-request-guidelines)** for more information. In case of fundamental code changes, an Airflow...