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Unresolved Reference With Standard Example
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IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.2 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-211.7442.40, built on May 31, 2021
Licensed to Steve Ramage
Subscription is active until March 6, 2022.
Runtime version: 11.0.11+9-b1341.57 amd64
VM: Dynamic Code Evolution 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
Linux 5.10.49-1-lts
GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep
Memory: 8105M
Cores: 8
Registry: terminal.buffer.max.lines.count=1000000,
Non-Bundled Plugins: CMD Support (1.0.5), Key Promoter X (2021.1.1), PMDPlugin (1.8.15), PsiViewer (211.6305.21-EAP-SNAPSHOT), com.github.b3er.idea.plugins.arc.browser (0.23), (1.1.0), com.jetbrains.ChooseRuntime (1.2), com.jetbrains.plugins.ini4idea (211.6693.44), com.steve.plugins.autoscroll (1.1), krasa.IdeaIconPack (1.11), net.seesharpsoft.intellij.plugins.csv (2.14.3), net.sjrx.intellij.plugins.systemdunitfiles (0.3.2), org.antlr.intellij.plugin (1.16), org.intellij.plugins.hcl (0.7.10), org.jetbrains.plugins.go-template (211.6693.44), mobi.hsz.idea.gitignore (4.1.0), name.kropp.intellij.makefile (3.5.2), org.nik.presentation-assistant (1.0.9), CheckStyle-IDEA (5.46.0), com.intellij.kubernetes (211.7442.27), GrepConsole (, String Manipulation (, com.dubreuia (2.2.0), ru.artyushov (1.2.0), com.jetbrains.hackathon.indices.viewer (1.13), org.jetbrains.idea.grammar (2020.3.1), cucumber-javascript (211.6693.65), lermitage.intellij.extra.icons (, com.dmarcotte.handlebars (211.6693.44), org.jetbrains.plugins.node-remote-interpreter (211.6693.65), kotest-plugin-intellij (1.1.36-IC-2021.1), org.intellij.scala (2021.1.21), com.jetbrains.php (211.7442.50), com.kalessil.phpStorm.phpInspectionsEA (4.0.6), org.jetbrains.plugins.phpstorm-remote-interpreter (211.6693.65), org.jetbrains.plugins.phpstorm-docker (211.6693.65), PlantUML integration (4.2.0), Pythonid (211.7442.45), org.jetbrains.plugins.go (211.7442.27), net.ashald.envfile (3.2.1)
Kotlin: 211-1.4.32-release-IJ7442.2
Current Desktop: KDE
- [x] intellij-hcl plugin version (
) 0.7.10 - [x] Terraform version (
terraform -v
) 1.0.0
Terraform Configuration Files
resource "aws_acm_certificate" "example" {
domain_name = ""
validation_method = "DNS"
data "aws_route53_zone" "example" {
name = ""
private_zone = false
resource "aws_route53_record" "example" {
for_each = {
for dvo in aws_acm_certificate.example.domain_validation_options : dvo.domain_name => {
name = dvo.resource_record_name
record = dvo.resource_record_value
type = dvo.resource_record_type
allow_overwrite = true
name =
records = [each.value.record]
ttl = 60
type = each.value.type
zone_id = data.aws_route53_zone.example.zone_id
Expected Behavior
No syntax errors
Actual Behavior
Syntax errors
Steps to Reproduce
- Paste that file (which comes from
- Notice errors
+1 faced with the same issue