+1 for simpler sharing (and discoverability).
Like @idenisovs, I'm using custom loggers with several log files. Is there any way to tell PM2 to access them?
Still seems to happen in Eleventy 2.0.1. Also when using the `data()` function in Javascript templates.
Since this is still happening in Eleventy 3.0.0-alpha.4, I took a closer look. In order to detect dependencies between `eleventyComputed` keys, Eleventy seems to call all functions twice. As far...
I've just installed release v1.3.3 on Mac OS X 10.9.4 and can confirm that it doesn't work with .md extensions out of the box. However, by adding `net.daringfireball` to the...
@tillerlabs Great! BTW: It also works on 10.10.
Please take a look at `npm run bsync` loads the configuration file `browsersync.eleventy.config.js` which tries to swap back to Browsersync as per [documentation]( `npm run custom` loads the configuration...
I've updated my test case to use alpha.6 (and also fixed the config): The underlying problem still seems to exist. The debug log shows the following: > Eleventy:ImportJsonSync Attempted...
I can confirm that this issue has been fixed in 3.0.0-alpha.7. Thank you for your tireless commitment!
> Hey @zachleat, it seems that starting from Node.js 18.19.1+ and 11ty 3.0-alpha-8+ this issue appeared again Hi @what1s1ove! I've updated my test case to use 3.0-alpha-10 and tested with...