also experienced this when attempting to install. may be affecting all downloads in the Script Galllery.... it's a bit of a work around but manually copying the code from here...
In as much as I've learnt to use Temporary Containers over the months & years it occured to me only the other day that a simplified way of looking at...
Just worked something out and haven't seen it mentioned anywhere else. To change keyboards (in order to go back to the AOSP keyboard for example) just long press the hacker...
I had this exact error. In my case I had: require('autoprefixer')({ browsers: ['> 1%']}).postcss And fixed it by removing the .postcss at the end, ie: require('autoprefixer')({ browsers: ['> 1%']})
A possible solution to this issue was described here... And has been implemented in some forks, such as:
Also experiencing this issue