IAPurchaseManager icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
IAPurchaseManager copied to clipboard

Swift In-App Purchase Manager for iOS


Swift In-App Purchase Manager for iOS

Easy-to-use a singleton class that supports non-renewable in-app purchases. It's super cool because

  1. it's written in Swift
  2. it uses blocks!

Making a purchase

If you want to make a purchase, all you need to do is to call a method:

  IAPManager.shared.purchaseProduct(productId: productId) { (error) -> Void in 
    if error == nil {
      // successful purchase!
    } else {
      // something wrong.. 

You can call purchaseProductWithId without first loading products info because inside purchaseProductWithId it'll load it if needed. So just call purchaseProductWithId whenever you want to make a purchase.

But if you need to get all products info, you can load it by calling:

  IAPManager.shared.loadProducts(productIds: []) { (products, error) in }

Check product was purchased

To check if a product was purchased, call (it returns Bool):


Restore transactions

To restore transactions call:

  IAPManager.shared.restoreCompletedTransactions { (error) in }


All completed transactions are saved to a file: ```swift data.write(to: purchasedItemsURL(), options: [.atomicWrite, .completeFileProtection]) ```


Just drag IAPManager.swift to your project.

or using CocoaPods

pod 'IAPurchaseManager'

If you are using Swift 2.x, then

pod 'IAPurchaseManager', '~> 0.0.2'

Carthage compatible

github "Vitaa/IAPurchaseManager"
If you want to add validation, keychain support or some other features, feel free to send me pull requests!