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draw annotation properties with domain and ranges?
Many vocabularies have interesting annotation properties which are not shown in VOWL.
What annotation properties do you have in mind that are currently not supported by VOWL? Some examples would be helpful (as e.g. WebVOWL supports several annotation properties already). Note that only selected annotation properties (e.g. label) are visualized in the VOWL graph itself and that most annotation properties are shown in the sidebar to not clutter the graph.
Consider the following ontology:
@prefix : <http://example.com#> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix xml: <http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@base <http://example.com> .
<http://example.com> rdf:type owl:Ontology .
# Annotation properties
### http://example.com#p
:p rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:range :B ;
rdfs:domain :A .
### http://example.com#q
:q rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:range xsd:int ;
rdfs:domain :B .
# Classes
### http://example.com#A
:A rdf:type owl:Class .
### http://example.com#B
:B rdf:type owl:Class .
This ontology is visualised as two disconnected classes, and the annotation properties p and q does not seem to appear anywhere. Could it be possible to draw p and q as edges between A and B, and B and xsd:int, respectively?
This case is indeed not yet supported by the current WebVOWL/OWL2VOWL implementations. It is possible to draw this connection but it would require changes to the VOWL spec, OWL2VOWL as well as WebVOWL code. If you need a quick solution, I would suggest exporting the SVG and editing it in an SVG editor (e.g. InkScape). I know this is maybe not what you would like to have, but an automatic and interactive will need some changes to the code. We will add this issue to our list though. Thanks for your suggestion.
If I could re-up this one by adding the shema.org vocabulary which defines the schema:domainIncludes and schema:rangeIncludes properties which are not displayed as range/domain into the visualized graph.
As an example, you can try to use the SSN/SOSA but it is also visualized as disconnected classes with all properties linked to the owl:Thing
root node.
Hope this help, Aurélien
Hi @abourdon, note that VOWL is a notation purely for OWL (and RDFS). It visualizes most of OWL's language constructs, but does not natively support any domain-specific languages or extensions as they are provided by SCHEMA.ORG, etc. (apart from WebVOWL rendering some basic DC info in the sidebar). Therefore, WebVOWL visualizes rdfs:range but NOT schema:rangeIncludes. Such vocabulary-specific concepts are listed in the selection details though. Developing visual notations for all concepts defined in SCHEMA.ORG, DC, VOID, etc. would be far beyond the scope of VOWL.
Hi @steffen-l,
I clearly undersand your point and I would also like to thank you for this great tool :-)
By the way, even if it could be very hard to be compatible with all standards, schema.org is used by SSN/SOSA, which is a W3C ontology that aims to be the reference in the domain of Internet of Thing (so aiming to target a large audiance).
In addition, there is no (IMHO) existing tool as more advanced as WebVOWL for ontology visualization.
That's why I think the added value would be nice! ;-)
Can I work on this issue?