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Data Structures & Algorithms, CS-201 KTU
Data Structures and Algorithms
Based on CS-201, Data Structures, KTU curriculum.
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Table of contents
1) Application of Arrays
2) Linked Lists
3) Stacks, Queues and Heaps
4) Hashing Algorithms
5) Sorting Algorithms
6) Trees
7) Graphs
1) Application of Arrays
- Sparse matrix Addition
- Sparse matrix multilplication
- Polynomial addition
- Polynomial multiplication
2) Linked Lists
- Insert element at head
- Insert element at the tail
- Insert element at any position
- Count number of nodes
- Search for an element
- Delete first element
- Delete last element
- Delete an element at a given position
- Implement Circular linked list
- Implement Doubly linked list
- Find minimum and maximum value
- Reverse a linked list
- Swap any two adjacent nodes
- Print middle node
- Swap head and tail
- Count number of nodes in circular linked lists
- Count even and odd nodes
- Concatenate two linked lists
- Swap first half with second half
- Find predecessor and successor nodes
- Check if linked list is circular
- Check if length is odd or even
- Delete alternate Nodes
- Insert into sorted linked list
- Sort a linked list - MergeSort, BubbleSort, SelectionSort, InsertionSort
- Remove duplicates from linked list
- Remove all occurences of a given element
- Copy common elements into third linked list
- Split into 3 linked list based on value
- Split into odd and even linked list
- Check if a linked list forms a palindrome
- Find distance between two given nodes in a circular linked list
- Find union of 2 linked lists
- Reverse only second half of linked list
- Merge two sorted linked lists in-place
- Rotate a linked list by k places
3) Stacks, Queues and Heaps
- Implement stack using array
- Implement stack using linked list
- Implement queue using array
- Implement queue using linked list
- Implement circular queue
- Implement Deque
- Build max Heap from array (naive method)
- Build min Heap from array (naive method)
- Build max Heap from array using Heapify
- Build min Heap from array using Heapify
- Reverse a number using stack
- Check for palindrome using stack
- Check for valid parentheses
- Convert infix expression to postfix
- Evaluate postfix expression
- Evaluate prefix expression
- Reverse elements a queue using stack
- Implement queue using two stacks
- Implement stack using two queues
- Implement priority queue - Using Array 1, Using Array 2 , Using LinkedList 1, Using LinkedList 2, Using Heap(simple), Using Heap(advanced)
4) Hashing Algorithms
- Insert set of keys into a hash table of given size using division method and linear probing.
- Store each words of a natural language text in a hash table of given size using the mod function and perform search.
5) Sorting Algorithms
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Heap Sort
- Randomized quick sort
- Counting sort
6) Trees
- Linked representation and Sequential representation of binary trees
- Preorder Traversal (Recursive and Iterative)
- Inorder Traversal (Recursive and Iterative)
- Postorder traversal (Recursive and Iterative)
- Level order Traversal
- Find height, number of nodes and number of vertices
- Implement Binary Search Tree (BST) and perform insertion, searching and deletion
- Create linked representation of binary tree from sequential and vice versa
- Check if two trees are same
- Check if linked and sequential represented binary trees are same
- Find minimum and maximum in a BST
- Count and delete leaf nodes
- Find sum of leaf nodes
- Count degree of nodes
- print all elements in a given range in a BST
- Print nodes at a given level
- Find all ancestors of a given node
- Find the sibling of a given node
- Check if a binary tree is a binary search tree
- Print nodes at each level and find their sum
- Find and remove maximum element in a BST
- Find and remove minimum element in a BST
- Check if there is a path sum
- Check if tree is Symmetric
- Find second largest element in a BST without using inorder array
- Find sum of all left leaves and right leaves
- Find kth smallest element in a BST
- Delete all nodes in a given range
- Merge 2 binary trees
- Create binary tree when Preorder & Inorder given
- Create binary tree when Postorder & Inorder given
- Invert a binary tree
- DFS Spanning tree
- BFS Spanning tree
- Minimum cost spanning tree (using Kruskal's Algorithm)
7) Graphs
- Adjacency Matrix representation
- Adjacency List representation
- Depth First Search and Traversal - Recursive and Iterative
- Breadth First Search and Traversal