evdev-joystick-calibration copied to clipboard
Run, pick up the gamepad and turn sticks with triggers around
Archived, please use https://github.com/nick-l-o3de/evdev-joystick-calibration instead
Run, pick up the gamepad and turn sticks with triggers around.
evdev-joystick-calibration -h
usage: evdev-joystick-calibration [-h] [-l] [-c]
Pick up the gamepad and turn sticks with triggers around
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --load load configuration
-c, --calibrate calibrate and save configuration
kompot@pc:~$ sudo apt install python3-pip git -y
kompot@pc:~$ sudo pip3 install git+https://github.com/Virusmater/evdev-joystick-calibration
kompot@pc:~$ evdev-joystick-calibration -c
Available devices:
0 Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller
2 Nintendo Wii Remote IR
3 Nintendo Wii Remote Accelerometer
4 Wii U GameCube Adapter Port 1
Pick one device for the calibration: 0
Move sticks and triggers of Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller to max and min positions.
Press any button to apply.
Configuration for Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller
analog: ABS_HAT1Y min:-28 max:25
analog: ABS_HAT1X min:-26 max:26
analog: ABS_HAT2X min:-28 max:24
analog: ABS_HAT2Y min:-28 max:24
analog: ABS_HAT3X min:6 max:46
analog: ABS_HAT3Y min:2 max:40
Configuration for Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller saved at /home/kompot/.config/evdev-joystick-calibration/NintendoWiiRemoteClassicController.json
kompot@pc:~$ evdev-joystick-calibration -l
Configuration for Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller loaded from /home/kompot/.config/evdev-joystick-calibration/NintendoWiiRemoteClassicController.json
Configuration for Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller
analog: ABS_HAT1Y min:-28 max:25
analog: ABS_HAT1X min:-26 max:26
analog: ABS_HAT2X min:-28 max:24
analog: ABS_HAT2Y min:-28 max:24
analog: ABS_HAT3X min:6 max:46
analog: ABS_HAT3Y min:2 max:40
Skip Nintendo Wii Remote IR
Skip Nintendo Wii Remote Accelerometer
Skip Wii U GameCube Adapter Port 1
The user should be able to write to the evdev device. Example of udev rule for Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller
kompot@pc:~$ sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-wiimote.rules
SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller", MODE="0666", ENV{ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK}="1", ENV{ID_INPUT_KEY}="0"
auto load configuration on connect
- Run calibration as root (unfortunatelly all udev rules are executed under root and there is no way to get current user. if you know how to avoid it - please let me know):
kompot@pc:~$ sudo evdev-joystick-calibration -c
- Make new udev rule for add action:
kompot@pc:~$ sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-wiimote.rules
SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller", MODE="0666", ENV{ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK}="1", ENV{ID_INPUT_KEY}="0"
SUBSYSTEM=="input", KERNEL=="event*", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{name}=="Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'evdev-joystick-calibration -l'"
- Reload rules:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules