evdev-joystick-calibration icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
evdev-joystick-calibration copied to clipboard

Run, pick up the gamepad and turn sticks with triggers around

Archived, please use https://github.com/nick-l-o3de/evdev-joystick-calibration instead


Run, pick up the gamepad and turn sticks with triggers around.

evdev-joystick-calibration -h
usage: evdev-joystick-calibration [-h] [-l] [-c]

Pick up the gamepad and turn sticks with triggers around

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -l, --load       load configuration
  -c, --calibrate  calibrate and save configuration


kompot@pc:~$ sudo apt install python3-pip git -y
kompot@pc:~$ sudo pip3 install git+https://github.com/Virusmater/evdev-joystick-calibration



kompot@pc:~$ evdev-joystick-calibration -c
Available devices:
0 Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller
2 Nintendo Wii Remote IR
3 Nintendo Wii Remote Accelerometer
4 Wii U GameCube Adapter Port 1
Pick one device for the calibration: 0
Move sticks and triggers of Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller to max and min positions.
Press any button to apply.
Configuration for Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller
analog: ABS_HAT1Y  min:-28 max:25
analog: ABS_HAT1X  min:-26 max:26
analog: ABS_HAT2X  min:-28 max:24
analog: ABS_HAT2Y  min:-28 max:24
analog: ABS_HAT3X  min:6 max:46
analog: ABS_HAT3Y  min:2 max:40
Configuration for Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller saved at /home/kompot/.config/evdev-joystick-calibration/NintendoWiiRemoteClassicController.json


kompot@pc:~$ evdev-joystick-calibration -l
Configuration for Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller loaded from /home/kompot/.config/evdev-joystick-calibration/NintendoWiiRemoteClassicController.json
Configuration for Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller
analog: ABS_HAT1Y  min:-28 max:25
analog: ABS_HAT1X  min:-26 max:26
analog: ABS_HAT2X  min:-28 max:24
analog: ABS_HAT2Y  min:-28 max:24
analog: ABS_HAT3X  min:6 max:46
analog: ABS_HAT3Y  min:2 max:40
Skip Nintendo Wii Remote IR
Skip Nintendo Wii Remote Accelerometer
Skip Wii U GameCube Adapter Port 1



The user should be able to write to the evdev device. Example of udev rule for Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller

kompot@pc:~$ sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-wiimote.rules 
SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller", MODE="0666", ENV{ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK}="1", ENV{ID_INPUT_KEY}="0"

auto load configuration on connect

  1. Run calibration as root (unfortunatelly all udev rules are executed under root and there is no way to get current user. if you know how to avoid it - please let me know):
kompot@pc:~$ sudo evdev-joystick-calibration -c
  1. Make new udev rule for add action:
kompot@pc:~$ sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-wiimote.rules 
SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller", MODE="0666", ENV{ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK}="1", ENV{ID_INPUT_KEY}="0"
SUBSYSTEM=="input", KERNEL=="event*", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{name}=="Nintendo Wii Remote Classic Controller", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'evdev-joystick-calibration -l'"
  1. Reload rules:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules