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Simplify working with dynamic/catalog properties on the storefront
The main goal needs to simplify the process of working with Dynamic/Catalog properties from code through the definition of syntax sugar and fluent api.
Here is code demonstrates how to work with catalog properties from code
foreach (var record in planogramRecords)
var product = products.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == record.Product);
if (product != null)
var planogramProperty = product.Properties.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "planogram");
if (planogramProperty != null)
var dictValues = _propertiesApi.GetPropertyValues(planogramProperty.Id);
var dictValue = dictValues?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.ToString().EqualsInvariant(record.Planogram));
if (dictValue != null)
planogramProperty.Values = new productDto.PropertyValue[] { new productDto.PropertyValue { Value = record.Planogram, ValueId = dictValue.ValueId, PropertyName = "planogram" } };
await _productsApi.SaveProductsAsync(products.ToList());
And with the DynamicProperies
foreach (var store in stores)
var organization = new Organization { Id = store.Id, Name = store.Id, Description = store.Address };
if (store.Planogram != null)
var properties = await _dynamicPropertiesApi.GetPropertiesAsync("VirtoCommerce.Domain.Customer.Model.Organization");
var planogramProp = properties.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.EqualsInvariant("planogram"));
if (planogramProp != null)
var dictValues = await _dynamicPropertiesApi.GetDictionaryItemsAsync(planogramProp.ObjectType, planogramProp.Id);
var dictValue = dictValues.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.EqualsInvariant(store.Planogram));
if (dictValue != null)
var dynProp = planogramProp.JsonConvert<AutoRestClients.CoreModuleApi.Models.DynamicObjectProperty>().ToDynamicProperty();
dynProp.DictionaryValues = new[] { dictValue.ToDictItem() };
organization.DynamicProperties = new DynamicProperty[] { dynProp };
await _memberService.CreateOrganizationAsync(organization);