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Vinifera is a C&C: Tiberian Sun engine extension implementing new logics and fixing bugs.
### Description: If a scenario has a music track specified in `[Basic] Theme=`, the music player stops playing music after playing the specified track once. ### Expected Behaviour: The music...
### Description: Red Alert displays the briefing screen on mission start after the FMVs, which is handy. Tiberian Sun does not do this, which means that the player has to...
### Description: A familiar QoL improvement from Red Alert 2 and more modern C&C games as well as the Remasters. If you for example have a group of units in...
### Description: Map action 12 "Destroy Trigger" causes the game to crash if it's used to destroy the last trigger in the game's internal list of triggers. ### Additional Files:...
### Description: TS doesn't let you select a type of unit across an entire map unlike in RA2. How I expect it to do is when select a unit and...
### Description: It would be a nice game option if the map was unshrouded at the beginning of the game, but instead the map was covered in fog of war....
### Description: Tiberian Sun allows you to place rally points for factories. However, the vanilla game requires you to hold Alt while placing rally points, because of which most players...
### Description: If there are more than 100 buildable `FootClass`-derived object types (whether it's infantry, vehicles or aircraft), the AI will spam the 100th unit type on the list like...
### Description: An object with Sensors=yes causes cloaked objects to uncloak. This is good and works otherwise, but it also causes objects of your allies to uncloak. When checking if...
### Description: AlexB has a very detailed write-up of this on his site: CnCNet ts-patches has this included as well: > The dimetric Command & Conquer games use...