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Reimplement aircraft carriers and rocket launchers from Red Alert 2
This PR reimplements SpawnManagerClass from Red Alert 2, used for aircraft carriers and rocket launchers.
[SOMETECHNO] ; TechnoType
Spawns= ; AircraftType, the type that this Techno spawns.
SpawnsNumber=0 ; integer, the number of aircraft that this Techno spawns.
SpawnRegenRate=0 ; integer, the time it takes for a spawn to regenerate after death.
SpawnReloadRate=0 ; integer, the time it takes for a spawn to reload its ammo and restore its strength.
- Additionally, it's possible to specify an alternative voxel model to use when the spawner has no spawns docked.
[SOMETECHNO] ; TechnoType
NoSpawnAlt=no ; boolean, should this Techno use an alternate voxel model when it's out of spawns?
; When true, the model named SOMETECHNOWO will be used when it's out of spawns.
`NoSpawnAlt` is only available for Technos that use voxel models.
Unlike in Red Alert 2, the voxel model used by `NoSpawnAlt` is loaded into a separate area of memory from the turet model. This means that Technos that have `NoSpawnAlt=yes` set **can** have turrets.
- For the unit to create spawns upon attack, a flag needs to be set on its weapon.
[SOMEWEAPON] ; WeaponType
Spawner=no ; boolean, does this weapon spawn aircraft when firing?
- For rocket launchers to function, RocketTypes need to be defined.
[SOMEROCKET] ; RocketType
PauseFrames=0 ; integer, how many frames the rocket pauses on the launcher before tilting.
TiltFrames=60 ; integer, how many frames it takes for the rocket to tilt to firing position.
PitchInitial=0.21 ; float, starting pitch of the rocket before tilting up (0 = horizontal, 1 = vertical).
PitchFinal=0.5 ; float, ending pitch of the rocket after tilting up before it fires.
TurnRate=0.05 ; float, pitch maneuverability of rocket in air.
RaiseRate=1 ; integer, how much the missile will raise each turn on the launcher (for Cruise Missiles only).
Acceleration=0.4 ; float, this much is added to the rocket's velocity each frame during launch.
Altitude=768 ; integer, cruising altitude in leptons (1/256 of a cell): at this height rocket begins leveling off.
Damage=200 ; integer, the rocker does this much damage when it explodes.
EliteDamage=400 ; integer, the rocker does this much damage when it explodes when the spawner is elite.
BodyLength=256 ; integer, the length of thebody of the rocket in leptons (1/256 of a cell).
LazyCurve=yes ; boolean, is the rocket's path a big, lazy curve, like the V3 is Red Alert 2.
CruiseMissile=no ; boolean, is this rocket a Cruise Missile, like Boomer missiles in Yuri's Revenge.
Type= ; AircraftType, the type this rocket is associated with.
Warhead= ; WarheadType, the warhead that this rocket's explosion uses.
EliteWarhead= ; WarheadType, the warhead that this rocket's explosion uses when the spawner is elite.
TakeoffAnim= ; AnimType, the takeoff animation used by this rocket.
TrailAnim= ; AnimType, the trail animation used by this rocket.
The rocket object is an AircraftType, like in Red Alert 2. When determining its characteristics, the rocket will use the first RocketType whose `Type=` is equal to the type of the rocket itself.
- Additionally, for rocket launchers that launch two rockets at a time, a second spawn offset can de defined.
[SOMETECHNO] ; TechnoType
SecondSpawnOffset=0,0,0 ; 3 integers, an offset to be added to the firing FLH for the second missile's location.