minion copied to clipboard
Invalid Provider Exception
Hello! First of all.. I'm are a composer noob, so I'm not much familiarized with him.
I are trying to test the "ChatProvider" example in front page, with no luck...
I do a folder "minion" and inside put a composer.json file with "vinelab/minion": "*"
then I ran "composer update" and everything installs.
I create "start.php" and "ChatProvider.php" as tutorial says and I put in your place:
├── composer.json
├── composer.lock
├── composer.phar
├── src
│ └── ChatProvider.php
├── start.php
└── vendor
├── autoload.php
├── bin
├── cboden
├── composer
├── doctrine
├── evenement
├── guzzle
├── illuminate
├── leo
├── nesbot
├── paragonie
├── psr
├── ratchet
├── react
├── symfony
├── vinelab
└── voryx
I tried start with php -f start.php and I get a error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Vinelab\Minion\InvalidProviderException' with message 'Provider ChatProvider must be an instance of \Vinelab\Minion\Provider' in /var/www/minion/vendor/vinelab/minion/src/Vinelab/Minion/Minion.php:43
What may be missing? I'm not are using Laravel or other stuff... Thanks in advance.
ChatProvider is either not being imported, or is not extending the \Vinelab\Minion\Provider class.