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- chatgpt
- segment anything
- llama
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Name | Description | Stars | Updated |
ChatGPT-Next-Web | A cross-platform ChatGPT/Gemini UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT/Gemini 应用。 | 69133 | 2024-05-12-12:09:59 |
gpt4free | The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models | 57819 |
gpt_academic | 为GPT/GLM等LLM大语言模型提供实用化交互接口,特别优化论文阅读/润色/写作体验,模块化设计,支持自定义快捷按钮&函数插件,支持Python和C++等项目剖析&自译解功能,PDF/LaTex论文翻译&总结功能,支持并行问询多种LLM模型,支持chatglm3等本地模型。接入通义千问, deepseekcoder, 讯飞星火, 文心一言, llama2, rwkv, claude2, moss等。 | 57815 | 2024-05-12-12:32:40 |
open-interpreter | A natural language interface for computers | 48935 | 2024-05-12-11:33:22 |
generative-ai-for-beginners | 18 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗 | 43670 | 2024-05-12-12:29:01 |
quivr | Your GenAI Second Brain 🧠 A personal productivity assistant (RAG) ⚡️🤖 Chat with your docs (PDF, CSV, ...) & apps using Langchain, GPT 3.5 / 4 turbo, Private, Anthropic, VertexAI, Ollama, LLMs, Groq that you can share with users ! Local & Private alternative to OpenAI GPTs & ChatGPT powered by retrieval-augmented generation. | 33049 | 2024-05-12-11:30:05 |
chatgpt-web | 用 Express 和 Vue3 搭建的 ChatGPT 演示网页 | 30524 | 2024-05-12-11:02:20 |
lobe-chat | 🤯 Lobe Chat - an open-source, modern-design LLMs/AI chat framework. Supports Multi AI Providers( OpenAI / Claude 3 / Gemini / Ollama / Bedrock / Azure / Mistral / Perplexity ), Multi-Modals (Vision/TTS) and plugin system. One-click FREE deployment of your private ChatGPT chat application. | 30456 | 2024-05-12-12:33:04 |
WeChatMsg | 提取微信聊天记录,将其导出成HTML、Word、Excel文档永久保存,对聊天记录进行分析生成年度聊天报告,用聊天数据训练专属于个人的AI聊天助手 | 28019 | 2024-05-12-12:30:13 |
Langchain-Chatchat | Langchain-Chatchat(原Langchain-ChatGLM)基于 Langchain 与 ChatGLM 等语言模型的本地知识库问答 | Langchain-Chatchat (formerly langchain-ChatGLM), local knowledge based LLM (like ChatGLM) QA app with langchain | 27894 |
autogen | A programming framework for agentic AI. Discord: Roadmap: | 25685 | 2024-05-12-12:29:53 |
Flowise | Drag & drop UI to build your customized LLM flow | 25031 | 2024-05-12-12:21:17 |
openai-translator | 基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API. | 22838 | 2024-05-12-10:23:36 |
chatgpt-retrieval-plugin | The ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin lets you easily find personal or work documents by asking questions in natural language. | 20869 | 2024-05-12-12:19:50 |
chatbox | Chatbox is a desktop client for ChatGPT, Claude and other LLMs, available on Windows, Mac, Linux | 18749 | 2024-05-12-10:06:54 |
jan | Jan is an open source alternative to ChatGPT that runs 100% offline on your computer. Multiple engine support (llama.cpp, TensorRT-LLM) | 18146 | 2024-05-12-12:31:33 |
langflow | ⛓️ Langflow is a dynamic graph where each node is an executable unit. Its modular and interactive design fosters rapid experimentation and prototyping, pushing hard on the limits of creativity. | 17747 | 2024-05-12-11:53:27 |
ChatPaper | Use ChatGPT to summarize the arXiv papers. 全流程加速科研,利用chatgpt进行论文全文总结+专业翻译+润色+审稿+审稿回复 | 17734 | 2024-05-12-08:50:31 |
GPT_API_free | Free ChatGPT API Key,免费ChatGPT API,支持GPT4 API(免费),ChatGPT国内可用免费转发API,直连无需代理。可以搭配ChatBox等软件/插件使用,极大降低接口使用成本。国内即可无限制畅快聊天。 | 16621 | 2024-05-12-12:05:28 |
LLaVA | [NeurIPS'23 Oral] Visual Instruction Tuning (LLaVA) built towards GPT-4V level capabilities and beyond. | 16616 | 2024-05-12-11:20:48 |
carrot | Free ChatGPT Site List 这儿为你准备了众多免费好用的ChatGPT镜像站点 | 16533 | 2024-05-12-11:39:25 |
awesome-free-chatgpt | 🆓免费的 ChatGPT 镜像网站列表,持续更新。List of free ChatGPT mirror sites, continuously updated. | 16369 | 2024-05-12-12:32:28 |
LLMs-from-scratch | Implementing a ChatGPT-like LLM from scratch, step by step | 16161 | 2024-05-12-12:20:13 |
ChuanhuChatGPT | GUI for ChatGPT API and many LLMs. Supports agents, file-based QA, GPT finetuning and query with web search. All with a neat UI. | 14793 | 2024-05-12-04:37:13 |
ChatALL | Concurrently chat with ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Bard, Alpaca, Vicuna, Claude, ChatGLM, MOSS, 讯飞星火, 文心一言 and more, discover the best answers | 14271 | 2024-05-12-12:05:20 |
one-api | OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,支持 Azure、Anthropic Claude、Google PaLM 2 & Gemini、智谱 ChatGLM、百度文心一言、讯飞星火认知、阿里通义千问、360 智脑以及腾讯混元,可用于二次分发管理 key,仅单可执行文件,已打包好 Docker 镜像,一键部署,开箱即用. OpenAI key management & redistribution system, using a single API for all LLMs, and features an English UI. | 14242 | 2024-05-12-11:56:43 |
Chat2DB | 🔥🔥🔥AI-driven data management platform Over 1 million developers are using Chat2DB | 13737 | 2024-05-12-10:49:35 |
KeepChatGPT | 这是一款提高ChatGPT的数据安全能力和效率的插件。并且免费共享大量创新功能,如:自动刷新、保持活跃、数据安全、取消审计、克隆对话、言无不尽、净化页面、展示大屏、展示全屏、拦截跟踪、日新月异等。让我们的AI体验无比安全、顺畅、丝滑、高效、简洁。 | 13651 | 2024-05-12-09:37:19 |
MOSS | An open-source tool-augmented conversational language model from Fudan University | 11821 | 2024-05-12-06:29:15 |
MoneyPrinterTurbo | 利用AI大模型,一键生成高清短视频 Generate short videos with one click using AI LLM. | 11695 | 2024-05-12-12:21:24 |
- Sort by: Updated
Name | Description | Stars | Updated |
vercel-reverse-proxy | vercel反向代理 | OpenAI/ChatGPT 免翻墙代理 | github免翻墙代理 |
free-GPT4 | (passive income) with œ.mevbot.œ | 1 | 2024-05-12-12:33:28 |
NetflixGPT | Creating a combination of Netflix + ChatGPT where user can search movies,suppose he/she don't know which movie to search upon he/she write like funny movies, so ChatGPT will recommend all funny movies related to it. | 0 | 2024-05-12-12:33:00 |
holbertonschool-chatgpt-introduction | None | 0 | 2024-05-12-12:33:00 |
ChatGPTClone-ReactJS | None | 0 | 2024-05-12-12:32:01 |
juttukaveri | Voice interface to ChatGPT | 1 | 2024-05-12-12:31:54 |
awesome-chatgpt | 🏆 An awe-inspiring collection of resources, encompassing a wide range of tools, documents, resources, applications, and use cases related to ChatGPT. | 839 | 2024-05-12-12:31:52 |
sora-prompt-zh | Sora 中文的提示词 | 短视频提示词(prompt)技巧 | 调教指南。各种场景使用指南。学习怎么让它听你的话。兼顾了 Sora 的多场景应用。 |
Yidadaa_ChatGPT-Next-Web | A well-designed cross-platform ChatGPT UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT 应用。 | 2 | 2024-05-12-12:30:33 |
AITreasureBox | 🤖 Collect practical AI repos, tools, websites, papers and tutorials on AI. 实用的AI百宝箱 💎 | 374 | 2024-05-12-12:29:36 |
freenode | 🚀 免费节点,🚀免费节点订阅,🚀v2ray免费节点,ssr免费节点订阅,clash免费节点订阅,免费梯子,免费翻墙,免费科学上网,免费ss/v2ray/trojan节点,谷歌商店,翻墙梯子,ChatGPT,Shadowrocket,Quantumult X | 656 | 2024-05-12-12:28:42 |
chatgpt-summarizer | None | 0 | 2024-05-12-12:28:27 |
chatapplication-with-chatgpt | None | 0 | 2024-05-12-12:26:48 |
holbertonschool-chatgpt-introduction | None | 0 | 2024-05-12-12:26:00 |
Awesome-Plugins | Awesome-Plugins is a GitHub repository that serves as a comprehensive list of plugins, add-ons, and extensions for ChatGPT, as well as other language models that are compatible with the GPT architecture. | 121 | 2024-05-12-12:25:28 |
generative-ai | This is my repo for NLP, Bard, ChatGPT and other generative AI based Jupyterbooks, code and presentations | 1 | 2024-05-12-12:23:43 |
chatgpt-web | 用 Express 和 Vue3 搭建的 ChatGPT 演示网页 | 2 | 2024-05-12-12:23:09 |
ShellGPT | ShellGPT is a free chatgpt client, now Supported online need for a key, no need to log in.Multi-node automatic speed measurement switch,Long text translation with no word limit, AI graphics.免费的chatgpt客户端,已支持联网搜索,无需密钥,无需登录,多节点自动测速切换,长文翻译不限字数,AI出图 | 2014 | 2024-05-12-12:21:53 |
mosol | 당신의 이상형은 어떤 모습인가요? - 스톤즈랩 토이프로젝트 Scene #1 | 1 | 2024-05-12-12:21:47 |
sora-prompt | Sora Prompt Collection, a repository dedicated to inspiring AI-driven video creation with Sora. | 8 | 2024-05-12-12:21:21 |
cloudflare-reverse-proxy | cloudflare反向代理 | OpenAI/ChatGPT 免翻墙代理 | github免翻墙代理 |
awesome-sora-zh | Sora 的中文指南🔥,Sora 中文调教指南,指令指南,应用开发指南,精选资源清单,Sora 开发者精选工具框架 🚀 | 1 | 2024-05-12-12:20:57 |
ChatGPT_Highload | Проектирование высоконагруженной большой языковой модели для генерации текста и ответов на вопросы | 0 | 2024-05-12-12:19:53 |
chatgpt-equations | Chrome extension that allows you to visualize equations using Latex notation inside ChatGPT | 50 | 2024-05-12-12:17:08 |
awesome-sora | 😎 Awesome list of interesting topics on Sora | 5 | 2024-05-12-12:16:24 |
Meltdown | An interface for llama.cpp and ChatGPT | 8 | 2024-05-12-12:15:09 | | 每日分享免费节点、免费机场、ssr节点、v2ray节点、v2ray订阅、clash节点、clash订阅、shadowrocket订阅、Quantumult X订阅、Clash .NET订阅、小火箭节点、小猫咪节点、免费翻墙、免费科学上网、免费梯子、免费trojan节点、蓝灯、谷歌商店、翻墙梯子、安卓VPN、iphone翻墙节点、iphone vpn、一键翻墙浏览器、节点分享、免费SSR、蓝灯、谷歌商店、V2ary免费节点、代理、proxy代理科学上网、TG代理、电报代理、Telegram代理、ip加速、翻墙软件、socks5、破解VPN、机场推荐、节点订阅、破解VPN、ChatGPT | 65 | 2024-05-12-12:11:35 |
Protofy | AI Supercharged LowCode Platform CMS and Framework 🚀🚀 | 188 | 2024-05-12-12:06:37 |
Flo-AI | A voiced personal assistant split into two "personalities", Opie (ChatGPT) and Flo (DialogFlow with APIs to multiple external services) | 0 | 2024-05-12-12:06:31 |
RSS-GPT | Using ChatGPT to summarize your personalized RSS feeds | 242 | 2024-05-12-12:04:34 |
Segment Anything
- Sort by: Stars
Name | Description | Stars | Updated |
segment-anything | The repository provides code for running inference with the SegmentAnything Model (SAM), links for downloading the trained model checkpoints, and example notebooks that show how to use the model. | 44355 | 2024-05-12-10:42:24 |
Grounded-Segment-Anything | Grounded-SAM: Marrying Grounding-DINO with Segment Anything & Stable Diffusion & Recognize Anything - Automatically Detect , Segment and Generate Anything | 13621 | 2024-05-12-09:22:15 |
FastSAM | Fast Segment Anything | 6889 | 2024-05-11-08:10:32 |
Track-Anything | Track-Anything is a flexible and interactive tool for video object tracking and segmentation, based on Segment Anything, XMem, and E2FGVI. | 6128 | 2024-05-11-06:07:45 |
Inpaint-Anything | Inpaint anything using Segment Anything and inpainting models. | 5577 | 2024-05-12-09:07:08 |
sam-hq | Segment Anything in High Quality [NeurIPS 2023] | 3400 | 2024-05-12-11:06:32 |
sd-webui-segment-anything | Segment Anything for Stable Diffusion WebUI | 3216 | 2024-05-12-10:25:46 |
EditAnything | Edit anything in images powered by segment-anything, ControlNet, StableDiffusion, etc. (ACM MM) | 3150 | 2024-05-11-06:03:43 |
segment-geospatial | A Python package for segmenting geospatial data with the Segment Anything Model (SAM) | 2669 | 2024-05-11-16:20:24 |
X-AnyLabeling | Effortless data labeling with AI support from Segment Anything and other awesome models. | 2560 | 2024-05-12-12:29:14 |
Segment-and-Track-Anything | An open-source project dedicated to tracking and segmenting any objects in videos, either automatically or interactively. The primary algorithms utilized include the Segment Anything Model (SAM) for key-frame segmentation and Associating Objects with Transformers (AOT) for efficient tracking and propagation purposes. | 2480 | 2024-05-11-02:40:19 |
magic-copy | Magic Copy is a Chrome extension that uses Meta's Segment Anything Model to extract a foreground object from an image and copy it to the clipboard. | 2358 | 2024-05-10-10:49:48 |
MedSAM | Segment Anything in Medical Images | 2248 | 2024-05-12-12:16:10 |
Semantic-Segment-Anything | Automated dense category annotation engine that serves as the initial semantic labeling for the Segment Anything dataset (SA-1B). | 1992 | 2024-05-12-08:57:34 |
Semantic-SAM | Official implementation of the paper "Semantic-SAM: Segment and Recognize Anything at Any Granularity" | 1952 | 2024-05-11-19:18:40 |
anylabeling | Effortless AI-assisted data labeling with AI support from YOLO, Segment Anything, MobileSAM!! | 1885 | 2024-05-12-10:24:03 |
EfficientSAM | EfficientSAM: Leveraged Masked Image Pretraining for Efficient Segment Anything | 1802 | 2024-05-12-07:59:26 |
Anything-3D | Segment-Anything + 3D. Let's lift anything to 3D. | 1499 | 2024-05-12-12:10:36 |
Personalize-SAM | Personalize Segment Anything Model (SAM) with 1 shot in 10 seconds | 1439 | 2024-05-12-07:30:52 |
awesome-segment-anything | Tracking and collecting papers/projects/others related to Segment Anything. | 1383 | 2024-05-12-09:35:55 |
lang-segment-anything | SAM with text prompt | 1208 | 2024-05-12-05:56:43 |
segment-anything-fast | A batched offline inference oriented version of segment-anything | 1117 | 2024-05-10-10:51:28 |
ISAT_with_segment_anything | Labeling tool with SAM(segment anything model),supports SAM, sam-hq, MobileSAM EdgeSAM etc.交互式半自动图像标注工具 | 991 | 2024-05-12-06:44:16 |
salt | Segment Anything Labelling Tool | 988 | 2024-05-12-04:49:18 |
sd-webui-inpaint-anything | Inpaint Anything extension performs stable diffusion inpainting on a browser UI using masks from Segment Anything. | 951 | 2024-05-12-10:59:13 |
segment-anything-video | MetaSeg: Packaged version of the Segment Anything repository | 914 | 2024-05-11-01:41:36 |
SegmentAnything3D | [ICCV'23 Workshop] SAM3D: Segment Anything in 3D Scenes | 858 | 2024-05-10-18:21:51 |
Medical-SAM-Adapter | Adapting Segment Anything Model for Medical Image Segmentation | 844 | 2024-05-10-07:59:20 |
SAM-Adapter-PyTorch | Adapting Meta AI's Segment Anything to Downstream Tasks with Adapters and Prompts | 811 | 2024-05-10-12:46:55 |
SegmentAnythingin3D | Segment Anything in 3D with NeRFs (NeurIPS 2023) | 802 | 2024-05-10-19:29:36 |
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Name | Description | Stars | Updated |
segment-anything-langsplat | None | 0 | 2024-05-12-06:37:05 |
Awesome-Segment-Anything | A collection of project, papers, and source code for Meta AI's Segment Anything Model (SAM) and related studies. | 274 | 2024-05-12-02:30:12 |
Fine-tuning-Segment-Anything | Fine-tuning Segment Anything (SAM) model | 0 | 2024-05-11-10:21:55 |
CorrSAM-Segment-Anything-Model-with-LoRA-Fine-Tuning-for-RGB-images | Segment Anything Model with LoRA Fine Tuning for RGB images | 2 | 2024-05-11-08:37:31 |
samtool | An implementation of Facebook Research's Segment Anything in the form of an agent-tool | 0 | 2024-05-10-14:56:03 |
segment-geospatial | A Python package for segmenting geospatial data with the Segment Anything Model (SAM) | 2669 | 2024-05-11-16:20:24 |
Segment-Anything-Model-in-elixir | None | 0 | 2024-05-10-07:10:27 |
AIPhotoEditingWithInpainting | Usin Meta's Segment Anything Model (SAM) for segmentation and Text Input for Inpainting | ||
micro-sam | Segment Anything for Microscopy | 293 | 2024-05-09-15:07:43 |
sd-webui-inpaint-anything | Inpaint Anything extension performs stable diffusion inpainting on a browser UI using masks from Segment Anything. | 951 | 2024-05-12-10:59:13 |
SAMJ | Java bridge to Python-implemented Segment Anything Networks (SAMs) | 2 | 2024-05-09-09:18:58 |
Awesome-Segment-Anything | This repository is for the first comprehensive survey on Meta AI's Segment Anything Model (SAM). | 604 | 2024-05-11-01:44:41 |
Stable-diffusion-with-segment-anything | This project combines the strengths of SAM's advanced segmentation capabilities with Stable Diffusion's impressive text-to-image generation, enabling users to perform precise image inpainting tasks guided by natural language prompts. | 0 | 2024-05-09-07:51:39 |
segment-anything | None | 0 | 2024-05-09-03:15:44 |
samexporter | Export Segment Anything Models to ONNX | 173 | 2024-05-11-09:39:16 |
segment-anything-training | None | 0 | 2024-05-09-00:51:45 |
Matte-Anything | [Image and Vision Computing] Interactive Natural Image Matting with Segment Anything Models | 407 | 2024-05-08-13:16:57 |
segment-anything-microseg | Implementation of Meta AI's Segment Anything Model to do an automated image annotation of simple microscope images | 3 | 2024-05-08-12:40:34 |
cnos | [ICCV 2023 R6D] PyTorch implementation of CNOS: A Strong Baseline for CAD-based Novel Object Segmentation based on Segmenting Anything and DINOv2 | 153 | 2024-05-08-09:21:12 |
SAM-UNETR | Using Segment Anything Model image encoder with convolutional decoder to clinically significant prostate cancer segmentation | 8 | 2024-05-08-09:15:07 |
CrackSAM | Fine-tuning Segment Anything for crack segmentation | 0 | 2024-05-08-08:25:48 |
X-AnyLabeling | Effortless data labeling with AI support from Segment Anything and other awesome models. | 2560 | 2024-05-12-12:29:14 |
inpaint-anything | Inpaint Anything performs stable diffusion inpainting on a browser UI using masks from Segment Anything. | 169 | 2024-05-11-11:05:20 |
2DSAM3D | Unsupervised 3D Lung Segmentation by Leveraging 2D Segment Anything Model | 0 | 2024-05-08-01:30:40 |
SAM_service | Web service which generates Segment Anything models | 1 | 2024-05-07-21:08:17 |
USIS10K | [ICML 2024] Official repository of the paper: "Diving into Underwater: Segment Anything Model Guided Underwater Salient Instance Segmentation and A Large-scale Dataset" | 21 | 2024-05-12-04:09:03 |
SAM4MIS | Segment Anything Model for Medical Image Segmentation: paper list and open-source project summary | 538 | 2024-05-12-11:43:17 |
segment-anything-csharp | Inference SAM in C # based on OpenVINO, ONNX runtime, TensorRT | 1 | 2024-05-07-15:24:24 |
Geo-SAM | A QGIS plugin tool using Segment Anything Model (SAM) to accelerate segmenting or delineating landforms in geospatial raster images. | 183 | 2024-05-08-21:46:24 |
ISAT_with_segment_anything | Labeling tool with SAM(segment anything model),supports SAM, sam-hq, MobileSAM EdgeSAM etc.交互式半自动图像标注工具 | 991 | 2024-05-12-06:44:16 |
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Name | Description | Stars | Updated |
ollama | Get up and running with Llama 3, Mistral, Gemma, and other large language models. | 65875 | 2024-05-12-12:32:06 |
llama.cpp | LLM inference in C/C++ | 58031 | 2024-05-12-12:19:03 |
Langchain-Chatchat | Langchain-Chatchat(原Langchain-ChatGLM)基于 Langchain 与 ChatGLM 等语言模型的本地知识库问答 | Langchain-Chatchat (formerly langchain-ChatGLM), local knowledge based LLM (like ChatGLM) QA app with langchain | 27894 |
LLaMA-Factory | Unify Efficient Fine-Tuning of 100+ LLMs | 21755 | 2024-05-12-12:30:43 |
LocalAI | :robot: The free, Open Source OpenAI alternative. Self-hosted, community-driven and local-first. Drop-in replacement for OpenAI running on consumer-grade hardware. No GPU required. Runs gguf, transformers, diffusers and many more models architectures. It allows to generate Text, Audio, Video, Images. Also with voice cloning capabilities. | 20207 | 2024-05-12-12:24:40 |
llama3 | The official Meta Llama 3 GitHub site | 19913 | 2024-05-12-11:39:42 |
alpaca-lora | Instruct-tune LLaMA on consumer hardware | 18235 | 2024-05-12-09:03:25 |
jan | Jan is an open source alternative to ChatGPT that runs 100% offline on your computer. Multiple engine support (llama.cpp, TensorRT-LLM) | 18146 | 2024-05-12-12:31:33 |
Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca | 中文LLaMA&Alpaca大语言模型+本地CPU/GPU训练部署 (Chinese LLaMA & Alpaca LLMs) | 17500 | 2024-05-12-12:32:38 |
LLaVA | [NeurIPS'23 Oral] Visual Instruction Tuning (LLaVA) built towards GPT-4V level capabilities and beyond. | 16616 | 2024-05-12-11:20:48 |
llama2.c | Inference Llama 2 in one file of pure C | 16164 | 2024-05-12-11:51:14 |
llamafile | Distribute and run LLMs with a single file. | 15259 | 2024-05-12-12:27:25 |
ChuanhuChatGPT | GUI for ChatGPT API and many LLMs. Supports agents, file-based QA, GPT finetuning and query with web search. All with a neat UI. | 14793 | 2024-05-12-04:37:13 |
dalai | The simplest way to run LLaMA on your local machine | 13059 | 2024-05-12-01:55:43 |
Llama-Chinese | Llama中文社区,Llama3在线体验和微调模型已开放,实时汇总最新Llama3学习资料,已将所有代码更新适配Llama3,构建最好的中文Llama大模型,完全开源可商用 | 11843 | 2024-05-12-11:58:51 |
Awesome-Chinese-LLM | 整理开源的中文大语言模型,以规模较小、可私有化部署、训练成本较低的模型为主,包括底座模型,垂直领域微调及应用,数据集与教程等。 | 11168 | 2024-05-12-12:30:58 |
h2ogpt | Private chat with local GPT with document, images, video, etc. 100% private, Apache 2.0. Supports oLLaMa, Mixtral, llama.cpp, and more. Demo: | 10518 | 2024-05-12-08:39:59 |
llama-gpt | A self-hosted, offline, ChatGPT-like chatbot. Powered by Llama 2. 100% private, with no data leaving your device. New: Code Llama support! | 10371 | 2024-05-12-05:55:13 |
llama-recipes | Scripts for fine-tuning Meta Llama3 with composable FSDP & PEFT methods to cover single/multi-node GPUs. Supports default & custom datasets for applications such as summarization and Q&A. Supporting a number of candid inference solutions such as HF TGI, VLLM for local or cloud deployment. Demo apps to showcase Meta Llama3 for WhatsApp & Messenger. | 9576 | 2024-05-12-12:27:04 |
unsloth | Finetune Llama 3, Mistral & Gemma LLMs 2-5x faster with 80% less memory | 9312 | 2024-05-12-11:59:02 |
OpenLLM | Run any open-source LLMs, such as Llama 2, Mistral, as OpenAI compatible API endpoint in the cloud. | 8899 | 2024-05-12-12:17:24 |
BELLE | BELLE: Be Everyone's Large Language model Engine(开源中文对话大模型) | 7579 | 2024-05-11-09:41:43 |
open_llama | OpenLLaMA, a permissively licensed open source reproduction of Meta AI’s LLaMA 7B trained on the RedPajama dataset | 7211 | 2024-05-11-19:32:26 |
PowerInfer | High-speed Large Language Model Serving on PCs with Consumer-grade GPUs | 6996 | 2024-05-12-12:32:56 |
TinyLlama | The TinyLlama project is an open endeavor to pretrain a 1.1B Llama model on 3 trillion tokens. | 6902 | 2024-05-12-08:27:46 |
Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2 | 中文LLaMA-2 & Alpaca-2大模型二期项目 + 64K超长上下文模型 (Chinese LLaMA-2 & Alpaca-2 LLMs with 64K long context models) | 6889 | 2024-05-12-05:39:59 |
llama-cpp-python | Python bindings for llama.cpp | 6642 | 2024-05-12-12:19:15 |
GPTCache | Semantic cache for LLMs. Fully integrated with LangChain and llama_index. | 6455 | 2024-05-11-19:17:07 |
reor | Private & local AI personal knowledge management app. | 5858 | 2024-05-12-12:06:41 |
lit-llama | Implementation of the LLaMA language model based on nanoGPT. Supports flash attention, Int8 and GPTQ 4bit quantization, LoRA and LLaMA-Adapter fine-tuning, pre-training. Apache 2.0-licensed. | 5819 | 2024-05-12-08:14:37 |
- Sort by: Updated
Name | Description | Stars | Updated |
DocumentSummarizer-AgenticRAG-LlamaIndex | Agent | LLM | Generative AI |
Llama | None | 0 | 2024-05-12-12:33:24 |
AITreasureBox | 🤖 Collect practical AI repos, tools, websites, papers and tutorials on AI. 实用的AI百宝箱 💎 | 374 | 2024-05-12-12:29:36 |
llama_ros | llama.cpp (GGUF LLMs) and llava.cpp (GGUF VLMs) for ROS 2 | 91 | 2024-05-12-12:29:01 |
chit | Chit is a lightweight privacy-focused web chat front-end for Ollama endpoints that uses no backend. | 4 | 2024-05-12-12:28:45 |
LocalAI | :robot: The free, Open Source OpenAI alternative. Self-hosted, community-driven and local-first. Drop-in replacement for OpenAI running on consumer-grade hardware. No GPU required. Runs gguf, transformers, diffusers and many more models architectures. It allows to generate Text, Audio, Video, Images. Also with voice cloning capabilities. | 20207 | 2024-05-12-12:24:40 |
BlogGenerationAppUsingLlama2 | None | 0 | 2024-05-12-12:20:27 |
video-llama | develop video-llama based on the original code - DAMO-NLP-SG / Video-LLaMA | 0 | 2024-05-12-12:19:32 |
zeta | A Llama 3 based chatbot capable of answering any question using built-in tools. | 0 | 2024-05-12-12:18:52 |
Medical-Chatbot-using-Llama2 | None | 0 | 2024-05-12-12:18:03 |
medical_RAG_system | Enhancing Medical Question-Answering System through Advanced Retrieval Strategies and Integration of LLaMA 3 | 3 | 2024-05-12-12:17:20 |
voyager-llama | Llama implementation of Voyager | 3 | 2024-05-12-12:15:10 |
Meltdown | An interface for llama.cpp and ChatGPT | 8 | 2024-05-12-12:15:09 |
SwiftLlama | A Swift Wrapper for llama.cpp | 4 | 2024-05-12-12:11:17 |
LLamaSharp | A C#/.NET library to run LLM models (🦙LLaMA/LLaVA) on your local device efficiently. | 1993 | 2024-05-12-12:07:11 |
llama-fs | MacOS finder but with llama 3 | 1 | 2024-05-12-12:04:58 |
LlamaIndex_Projects | None | 0 | 2024-05-12-12:03:45 |
PurpleLlama | None | 0 | 2024-05-12-11:52:29 |
llama3 | None | 0 | 2024-05-12-11:47:26 |
Chat-With-Llama3 | None | 0 | 2024-05-12-11:36:03 |
ollama | Get up and running with Llama 3, Mistral, Gemma, and other large language models. | 65875 | 2024-05-12-12:32:06 |
maid | Maid is a cross-platform Flutter app for interfacing with GGUF / llama.cpp models locally, and with Ollama and OpenAI models remotely. | 804 | 2024-05-12-11:09:58 |
llama.cpp | LLM inference in C/C++ | 58031 | 2024-05-12-12:19:03 |
llama-receipts | SFT llama3 for receipts normalization and attributes retrieval | 0 | 2024-05-12-11:06:29 |
repairllama | RepairLLaMA: Efficient Representations and Fine-Tuned Adapters for Program Repair | 19 | 2024-05-12-10:55:40 |
llm-ui | The React library for LLMs | 119 | 2024-05-12-12:33:28 |
DejaVu_predictor | The codes for training sparsity predictor on LLaMA. | 9 | 2024-05-12-10:20:21 |
ascii-llama | None | 0 | 2024-05-12-10:19:03 |
RAG-Llama-3-Bedrock-LangChain-LangSmith | None | 0 | 2024-05-12-10:14:33 |
llama | Unified API for LLM at Scale | 15 | 2024-05-12-11:54:24 |