hotel-worx copied to clipboard
An employee facing hotel reservation system/CMS. React SPA client. Express (Node.js) back-end connected to a MySQL Database. Using Passport and the Passport-local strategy to authenticate employees of...
Hotel Worx
A Property management system used by Employees, & Managers.
A React.js client making axios requests to an Express.js/Node.js server connected to a MySQL database for persistent storage.
This application is a simple and easy to use React web-based Property Management System. Allowing employees and managers to supervise the day-to-day operations of their properties.
Getting started:
To use this project, you'll need to do the following:
View on heroku here Hotel Worx
Clone this repository:
git clone
Upload it to a web server of your choice (Heroku, Aws, Azure, ETC.)
If you're running it locally on your pc, also perform these steps:
- run 'npm i' from the terminal (this will install the npm modules)
- create a mysql database using the schema in: config/schema.sql
- populate the newly created database with the data in: config/seeds.sql
- create a
file with the following contents (since this was excluded from being sent to guthub in the .gitignore file):
# Port to host application on.
# Name of the mysql database you will be connecting to.
# Host name for connecting to MySQL database
#Port to connect to MySQL database
DB_PORT=3306--Database port
# User for connecting to MySQL database
DB_USER=root--Database user
# Password for connecting to MySQL database
This allows server.js
&& config/connection.js
to use Node.js process.env
variables set on runtime to connect to either the local database or the hosted database.
To ensure the sidebar can make API requests to retrieve weather data you will need to add your own API key to a .env
file inside of the \client
Change directories into the client folder then use the touch command in the cli to create .env
Like so:
cd client
touch .env
Inside of the hotel-worx\client\.env
REACT_APP_WEATHER_API_KEY=<Your React Open Weather API key here>
Example of the complexity of Hotel Worx's Data Structure
One of the more difficult queries was in returning detailed room availability for the next n-number of days. In our case, we decided on 14 days to display on that page.
- We passed the date to be used into MySQL and saved it to a variable (SET @input_date=?;)... with ? being used as a placeholder until it's set in 'connection.query'. This made it easy to iterate through the days included in the query using a loop... allowing us to use the loop iterator to increment the date interval for each row to return.
- The next task was to make a pivot table, since the number of available rooms of each type needed to be displayed on a row... with each row being a single days total of available rooms.
- The number of available rooms for a certain day is determined via a subquery... outputting that total for each room type on its own row
- Once that is accomplished, those resulting row are pivoted and used as a derived table for the SUM of each available room type.
- As our loop iterates through the days, it includes a ' UNION ALL ' between all iterations after the first one. It then closes the query string with a semicolon on the final iteration.
- And finally, we needed to use COALESCE to set the total to 0... if no rooms are available, since (in that case) that field would have returned null.
selectAvailable: (date, cb) => {
const preQueryString = 'SET @input_date=?;'
const days_to_show = 14
let queryString = ''
for (let i = 0; i < days_to_show; i++) {
i > 0 ? (queryString += ' UNION ALL ') : ''
queryString +=
'SELECT, COALESCE(SUM(rm3.rt1), 0) AS RoomType1, COALESCE(SUM(rm3.rt2), 0) AS RoomType2, COALESCE(SUM(rm3.rt3), 0) AS RoomType3, (COALESCE(SUM(rm3.rt1), 0) + COALESCE(SUM(rm3.rt2), 0) + COALESCE(SUM(rm3.rt3), 0)) AS TotalRooms FROM (SELECT (DATE_ADD(@input_date, INTERVAL ' +
i +
' DAY)) AS date, CASE WHEN rm2.room_type_id=1 THEN rm2.available_types END AS rt1, CASE WHEN rm2.room_type_id=2 THEN rm2.available_types END AS rt2, CASE WHEN rm2.room_type_id=3 THEN rm2.available_types END AS rt3 FROM (SELECT rm1.room_type_id, COALESCE(rm1.total_types, 0)-COALESCE(rr1.used_types, 0) AS available_types FROM room_types AS rt LEFT JOIN (SELECT rr.room_type_id, COUNT(*) AS used_types FROM res_rooms AS rr WHERE && rr.check_in_date<=DATE_ADD(@input_date, INTERVAL ' +
i +
' DAY) && rr.check_out_date>DATE_ADD(@input_date, INTERVAL ' +
i +
' DAY) GROUP BY rr.room_type_id) AS rr1 ON rt.room_type_id=rr1.room_type_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT rm.room_type_id, COUNT(*) AS total_types FROM rooms AS rm WHERE GROUP BY rm.room_type_id) AS rm1 ON rt.room_type_id=rm1.room_type_id GROUP BY rt.room_type_id ORDER BY rt.room_type_id ASC) AS rm2) AS rm3 GROUP BY'
i === days_to_show - 1 ? (queryString += ';') : ''
connection.query(preQueryString + queryString, [date], (err, results) => {
if (err) throw err
Project 3 Of Case Western Reserve University Coding Bootcamp
Created June, 2019 By:
MIT License
Copyright :copyright: 2020 Vincent Shury