From post you linked: > However, I have been maintaining mkinitcpio for the past couple of years. For now, mkinitcpio will probably remain the default, and dracut is an option....
> I would prefer to keep it without quote, this is valid dash syntax that will allow now or i the futur or for specific case the pass several parameters...
I believe reading cmdline is superior solution so if we're going to add it then it's not worth exposing `YKFDE_LUKS_HEADER` in config right now.
`systemd-boot` is bootloader, it should load every initramfs image that's available just fine. I didn't test systemd specific hooks for mkinitcpio but I think they aren't compatible with `ykfde` so...
> The ykfde hood is effecitvely a hijacked encrypt hook, "Hijacked" is a strange choice of wording. `ykfde` hook is build on top of Arch's `encrypt` hook - that sounds...
> The reason I delved into it in the first place was because it seems that Arch is slowly moving into moving the boot and init process towards systemd, together...
Yes, ykfde-suspend is an experimental feature and such issues can happen. For now the only workaround is to disable it.
I don't see the option to call Yubikey by serial in [ykchalresp]( docs. Also the keys order [appears to be random]( If that's true then this may be not doable.
Hi, thx for the report. Currently ykfde-suspend service has experimental status so such problems like yours are likely to happen. > Bug 1: The module freeze and no password promt...
> Well, I'm running this module on a thinkpad t495s. There is known issue on thinkpads where it tries to call some firmware files (wifi?) before suspend (which doesn't exist...