Vincent FINET
Vincent FINET
Property "stickyHeaders" of datatable still not stable. Postpone to next version.
Dear @manjunath-ghub Did you try the actions listed here: Thank you.
Tools that are already on the home page, but somehow hidden: - Salesforce Optimizer ( - Salesforce LEX Readiness Report ( - Permission Helper ( - Salesforce Guidelines for secure...
hello @Surenity-devops Thank you for your time on "trying" to use Org Check and creating this issue! For your information, the session comes with the one used in Visualforce pages....
Would you be interested to see if the beta version of Org Check solves your issue? if yes go to
Do you still have the issue ???
the minimum I could do is to calculate the percentage of code versus comment. that could be a good start.
SOQL like: ``` SELECT Id, LengthWithoutComments, body FROM ApexClass ``` Then code like this: ``` query.forEach(c => { const v = c.LengthWithoutComments !== -1 ? ((c.Body.length-c.LengthWithoutComments)/c.Body.length * 100) : (-1);...
Additional proposition from Will on the trailhead community: > I would love to see these Lightning Pages listed in the Object tab as well