Can you please point me to some resources on how to use Agensgraph for image segementations and compare two frames for distance measures between neighbor graph to eliminate redundant frames....
=# CREATE EXTENSION hadoop_fdw; ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/hadoop_fdw": No such file or directory # Followed the developer manual at section 9. =# select* from pg_available_extensions; name | default_version...
sorry if this a very basic questions on PostgreSQL 10.3 n> agens batch agens (AgensGraph 1.4devel, based on PostgreSQL 10.3) Type "help" for help. :~> netstat -tlp | grep post...
batch=# CREATE FOREIGN TABLE vlabel_profile (id graphid, properties text) batch-# SERVER import_server batch-# OPTIONS( FORMAT 'csv', HEADER 'false', FILENAME '/home/ec2-user/comments.csv', delimiter E'\t'); CREATE FOREIGN TABLE batch=# batch=# batch=# CREATE VLABEL...
~/ansible-dcos$ ansible hosts.yaml -i -m ping [WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all' [WARNING]: Could not match...