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Fast and Highly Extensible Vim script Language Lint implemented in Python.

Results 86 vint issues
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Using the latest release (vim-vint-0.1.dev1+g471e70b) I get the following ``` function! Mask2int(mask,drawer) abort ✗ return printf("%010b", '0x'.a:mask)->slice(0,10)->split('\zs')->reverse()->map('v:val ? a:drawer."/".(v:key+1) : ""')->filter('v:val') endfunction ProhibitInvalidMapCall - Number of arguments for map() must...

The warning "Set encoding before setting scriptencoding (see :help :scriptencoding)" is reported when a `set encoding=` is found in _any file_ after `:scriptencoding` To reproduce: * Create a file `dir1/file1.vim`...

Both manual mention that there are no need to wrap commands by an additional autocmd.

Windows10, python は Windows版3.10.1 (sccopで入れたpythonと、pipxで入れたvintを使用) コマンドプロンプトからでもmsys2上のzshからの実行でも変わらず発生する ``` % vint plugin/guide.vim Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\YukiHiro\scoop\apps\python\current\lib\", line 196, in _run_module_as_main return _run_code(code, main_globals, None, File "C:\Users\YukiHiro\scoop\apps\python\current\lib\", line 86, in...

I use vspec ( to test vim functions. DSL Keywords are e.g. `describe`, `context`, `it`. ``` describe '#AddDebugger' context 'when is xy project' it 'inserts the string byebug' ... end...

`--color=never` is equivalent with `--color`, `--color=always` is equivalent with `--no-color`, when the output is stdout, `--color=auto` = `--color=always`, when output is not stdout (such as a file), `--color=auto` = `--color=never`.


I would like `ProhibitAbbreviationOption` to have an `ignored_patterns` field like `ProhibitUnusedVariable` has (see #266). Or something sufficiently similar (since using regexes really doesn't seem necessary here). More specifically, I'd like...

This function ```vim function! s:filter_out_swapfile(matched_files) silent! redir => swapfile silent swapname redir END let swapfile = fnamemodify(swapfile[1:], ':p') return filter(a:matched_files, 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":p") != swapfile') endfunction ``` from gives the...

Vim documentation's file tips.txt has an example on how to open help in current window. It works when used, but for some reason vint gives a syntax error on it....

Fixes #363 Needs a test, but would appreciate feedback on the approach. Manual testing (repro case) : PASS `tox -e py37`: PASS --- This change is [](