I have 3 more questions: 1. If we are deciding which function to use with the `data_format` argument may I move it so it is a compulsory argument? 2. If...
I changed the `if-else` to a required argument and added the exception at the end. Sorry I haven't read the documentation enough to understand the required formats 😃
`@handle_frontend_test(` `fn_tree="tensorflow.nn.conv_transpose",` `x_f_d_df=_x_and_filters(` `dtypes=helpers.get_dtypes("float", full=False),` `data_format=st.sampled_from(["NDHWC"]),` `padding=st.sampled_from(["SAME"]),` `type="3d",` `transpose=True,` `),` `test_with_out=st.just(False),` `)` For the frontend test part what `type=` argument should be inserted?