@phillipgsmith , I believe that logical databases ("Select" command) are in question here. The reason why we do not allow to change them in V2 (you can only add a...
@phillipgsmith , so you use a web version of RI v2 for Redis Stack. Redis Stack does not support database indexes and therefore there are no controls on UI. And...
@iamnobodysir , @hao159 , currently RedisInsight does not have the SSH options, but let me see if it is possible to add them in the nearest releases (around October).
@Harris6666 , thank you for raising this, we will see what we can do here.
hi @Harris6666 , please try 2.8.0 (recently released).
Hello @joeleclems , would you like to scan all keys of your database when you filter per key type/key name or get all the keys in the Tree view?
@joeleclems , how many keys do you have in the database? there is a risk that you may get the "out of memory" error.
@mvastola , can you please describe your use case? I believe it is not likely that you want to view 63M keys.
@mvastola , sorry for the delay, but I have a concern that it is possible to use the Tree view for this purpose, since all the keys are grouped by...
@joeleclems , can you please provide additional information about your use case?